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Litters Due In December 2009

Bilbo Baggins

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Leanne, your babies are adorable and so nicely rounded, just gorgeous. Congrats yarrowfell on your soon to be large litter of pugs. Good luck.

MM I hope you are able to get some sleep soon. My girl is doing well in the maternal department, but does need some encouraging to toilet the pups, I hold them up for her after a feed one by one and she cleans them. If I don't she seems to fixate on just one. It is exhausting having a litter of pups, but a lot of fun.

Except i have puppy buyers already saying, "When can we come and see the pups?" They are not even a day old yet!!!!

Out of interest what age do people suggest the pups are to have visitors (puppy buyers) to have a look?

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Out of interest what age do people suggest the pups are to have visitors (puppy buyers) to have a look?

I don't contact people till they are at least a week old, just to make sure they are going strong and never let people come till they are vaccinated.

As I normally keep a pup myself I have no idea on who is getting which pup till the end anyway.


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Thanks Leanne, I am like you, I am keeping at least one and so tell people up front they will not be able to choose their puppy, I will choose for them, depending on their requirements, family situation, and pup temperament etc, and that I will be leaving my choosing for myself until as long as possible. People are fine with that, but just want to come and look at the litter. I have had some come as early as 3 weeks, with lots of handwashing, shoes off etc. However it is a risk and the more I read about parvo the less I want to take any risks.

I guess I made the mistake of letting people know as soon as the litter was born!!! Leaving it a week is a good idea. I have a waiting list, so have people emailing and phoning before birth to see how things are progressing. In a way it is great, because I know the pups are going to homes that are really keen and caring.

Edited by shellbyville
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Leanne, your babies are adorable and so nicely rounded, just gorgeous. Congrats yarrowfell on your soon to be large litter of pugs. Good luck.

MM I hope you are able to get some sleep soon. My girl is doing well in the maternal department, but does need some encouraging to toilet the pups, I hold them up for her after a feed one by one and she cleans them. If I don't she seems to fixate on just one. It is exhausting having a litter of pups, but a lot of fun.

Except i have puppy buyers already saying, "When can we come and see the pups?" They are not even a day old yet!!!!

Out of interest what age do people suggest the pups are to have visitors (puppy buyers) to have a look?

Unknown buyers would be about 4 weeks.

But friends from when they are born. Do do need socialization with a 100 different people before 8 weeks if you follow the suggestions.

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After a very exhausting night and a c-section today Scarlet is the proud mother of 5 babies, 2 boys and 3 girls. All red with white markings, 1 boy looks like her.

Pics later when I am human again.


Not exactly what you expected I'm sure but at least they are all safe and mum is good too.

Congrats on your 5 sweeties, those pics are gorgeous...

Well we just got back from the vet. Boots has 8 bubs in there. Due next Friday 11th December. :D

Biggest litter of Pugs I have had is 6, so raising 8 will be a challenge!!

OMG, I didn't realise that they could have that many, she must be almost bursting at the seems.

Good luck and hope all goes smoothly for you and the mum to be.

MissMonaro, I do hope things get a little better for your crew,

Monday is fast approaching for us, hopefully all will be fine, I have started to worry a tad as

her belly is just sooooooo tight I hope she can actually go into labour....

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Monday is fast approaching for us, hopefully all will be fine, I have started to worry a tad as

her belly is just sooooooo tight I hope she can actually go into labour....

All the best with your girl Dhana and I hope all goes to plan.

Poor Scarlets babies where to big to move down and had really stretched her uterus.

I was so glad that I decided to go to the vets as I don't think the babies would of been alive if I had waited much longer, as it was they all took along time to come round and I did not think I would be bringing all 5 home. I would just like to say a big thank you to my cousin Roxbud who refused to give up on the pups.

Pups have all gained weight this morning (only my second time in 15 years of having pups gain in the first 24 hours) and Scarlet is doing a fantastic job :thumbsup:

Well we just got back from the vet. Boots has 8 bubs in there. Due next Friday 11th December.

Biggest litter of Pugs I have had is 6, so raising 8 will be a challenge!!

Makes you wonder where she is hiding that many babies in such a small body. :thumbsup:


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Wow, this thread took some catching up on this morning! Congratulations to all who have had litters in the last couple of days since I've had a look. The puppies all look so beautiful. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Our own litter of 5 is going nicely - big weight gains for most of them so far. A couple are still gaining but lagging behind a little so I might watch them to make sure they don't get shoved out.

A big thanks to Aziah for all of her online support while we were whelping! As newbies, your moral support and advice was greatly appreciated!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Good luck to those still waiting.

Deb :laugh:

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Hope all new mums and owners are doing well this morning. I weighed our little guys yesterday and they had all gained weight and already look noticeably chubbier, the littlest gaining the most, I guess I always make sure he gets a boob with a good supply!

The mum is doing really well now, took awhile for her to settle down after the birth, but is feeding them and toileting them on her own now. I had a bit of sleep between feeds, so am feeling quite human again.

Chopperlodge, all the best with your girls whelping. Will be thinking of you.

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Great xray :banghead: can clearly count the 8 bubbas.

Wow, the xray is amazing. I have never had one of mine xrayed before whelping. Can you actually tell exactly how many she is having?

It all depends on how clear the xray is and if any pups are hiding behind another. Scarlet was xrayed and could clearly see 4 pups but she had 5 so one must of be directly behind another.

I xray mainly to see if the pups heads are small enough to fit through the pelvis.


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It all depends on how clear the xray is and if any pups are hiding behind another.

Exactly. In a Pug they are usually accurate (due to small size litters). With Boots we counted 8 but as they are so squished the vet did say that they might be one hiding we can't see.

I like to Xray so I know how many (minimum) to expect. My vet charges $50 to do an xray so it is not expensive and I think worth doing.

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My pups have been squealing on and off all afternoon! They are all putting on weight, all toileting, mum is doing everything right. It is very hot here though! I have never had a litter in the heat, usually I have to keep them warm. The room they are in in quite warm, but has ventilation and a fan. Any tips on keeping them the ideal temp?

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Congratulations on all the new babies.

Hope your lot are doing better, MM. It's hard enough work when mum feeds them so you must be exhausted.

Love Miss Pug's xray. Do they normally do it with her lying on her back? Mine have always been done laterally (on the side).

It's a good, clear picture and it looks like those heads will fit out okay. Good luck!

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My pups have been squealing on and off all afternoon! They are all putting on weight, all toileting, mum is doing everything right. It is very hot here though! I have never had a litter in the heat, usually I have to keep them warm. The room they are in in quite warm, but has ventilation and a fan. Any tips on keeping them the ideal temp?
If its very warm we usually fill a hot water bottle with cold water cover with a towel and place in the box near them its amazing how fast they find it.

Our last litter was a summer time litter with above average temps and I also used frozen ice bricks at covered with a towel, but the ice water is the hot water bottles is better as the covers stay dry

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Thanks Firestone, will give those suggestions a go tomorrow if it is hot!

I didn't think pups this young (2 days) would be affected by the heat so much. It is much cooler here now and they have all settled down and are sleeping. They must be warm because they are all spread around the box. Today they were squealing and wandering around intermittently. I am a worrier, so have been concerned, because they have been so settled and have been sleeping between feeds, toileting etc perfectly. They have all put on between 50 - 100 grams since they were born late Wednesday night/early Thursday morning, which is good.

Hopefully it will be cooler tomorrow!

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I have another litter of puppies ! My girl Trin, who lives with her owner, had 2 babies last night and one this morning.. 2 boys and a girl, all choc... just waiting to hear if she is having any more. The ones born last night were around 9pm, this mornings was 5am??? She will be taken to the vet today for a checkup to make sure all is ok and no more puppies lurking in there.

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Congrats Kelpiesrule,

more choc babies, lovely......

Indy is still keeping her legs firmly closed, so nothing happening here....propably

good that she keeps them as long as possible at the moment, Murphy's Law has intervened

and at the present time, I am nursing a really sick foal pretty much around the clock so I

am getting spread a little thin... :laugh:

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