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Litters Due In December 2009

Bilbo Baggins

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Congrats Shelbyville ! I hope everything keeps going well... nice size litter :(

Hey MM, i hope things get easier for you and your babies soon, that would be hard having to bring up babies without too much help from the mother... ive been blessed with my litters so far, the only problem one was my little single boy, but all went well after the caesar and his mommy took very good care of him ! My thoughts are with you.

Whelping fairy has been sent your way Ozstar ! Hoping all goes well today with gorgeous Scarlett.

My babies are doing well, I have a little girl i need to keep an eye on, she was the smallest born and isnt gaining as well as the others, but she is drinking well and seems content enough. The others are turning into little porkers. Amazing just what a couple of days can do.


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Congratulations Shellbyville on your litter!

Yes you must send the fairy off to Leanne as I think she needs her now :p

all the best again Leanne with your girl - looking forward to hearing the updates on her progress....

Kelpiesrule your babies are just beautiful :( all the best with them :birthday:

Edited by Partipaws
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They are all good sized pups averaging between 430 - just over 500 grams, with one little boy of 350 grams! I don't think the mum would be too impressed if we tried to put them back in, she is very glad it is all over. I have a photo of her during the labour, resting her head on the side of the whelping box...too cute!

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After a very exhausting night and a c-section today Scarlet is the proud mother of 5 babies, 2 boys and 3 girls. All red with white markings, 1 boy looks like her.

Pics later when I am human again.


Congratulations Leanne on your litter of 5. Even though it sounds like it was an anxious time for you, glad you had a good outcome. Hope you can get some rest and hope Scarlet is a great mum.

Rest up!

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Shelbyville - beautiful babies :rofl:

Kelpiesrule - should of known....purple basket..... :thumbsup: Pups are gorgeous

Oztar - Congratulations on the arrival of your new babies too.

Hope you get more sleep than we have had. Our girl is still not toileting her babies, and the 4 black ones are slow to feed.

Suprisingly the smallest black girl has got the hang of it quicker than the other 3....but we decided to go to the vet and get a shot of liquid and have started them on a bit of beef liver remedy.

2 of them are now latching and feeding with help, so thats a bit easier. The other 2 are still being difficult and we are bottle feeding.

The vet has said if no change by tomorrow morning for me to go down and he'll teach me how to tube feed.

Its just like having a baby all over again with the wiping butts, sterilising bottles, making up formula, and feeding every couple of hours.


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KelpiesRule, Shelbyville, Miss Monaro and Ozstar congratulations to all of you and your beautiful new Mums and Bubs, those that have posted pics, how could you not just love those beautiful bubbas, nothing more precious than new babies.

Kelpiesrule I had a small bitch in this litter of Frenchies, I was so concerned about her being so tiny born, but by gee she knew exactly where the milk bar was but even so at the beginning did not gain weight as fast as the others, it took until day five that I all of a sudden saw that she was gaining weight at a good rate.

They are now three and a half weeks old she is first in to the milk bar and as of yesterday, because there are seven of them, I have started giving them two meals a day one of mince and the other chicken mushed up in the broth that it was cooked in, and she is now very hard to pick from the rest of them, the give away is the dot on tha back of her neck. :thumbsup:

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A few pics of the pups.

Pups are feeding well and Scarlet is slowing getting the hang of being a mother.

Pups birth weights ranged from 390 - 410 grams, nice big babies :thumbsup:



these 3 like the milk and refuse to leave :rofl:



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