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Litters Due In December 2009

Bilbo Baggins

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And I have some exciting news, on Christmas Eve, FIRDRAK is allowing me to bring Mumma Schnauzer & my babies to MY HOME! Sadly, she lost her baby schnauzer so 'Rosie' is now only raising my babies. Carolynn thought I would love to watch my babies grow and raise them as I normally do, so is entrusting her girl into my care! I'm just so excited and can't wait to bring her & my babies home It will be the best Christmas present!

Very sad about the little schnauzer baby .......RIP :hug:

But for you LMWS - that is going to be a lovely xmas present.

All the best with them.


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Another update from me.

My 2 little ones are holding in there. All 4 now have their eyes open and the 2 bigger ones are quite vocal and starting to walk around.

The smallest girl has had a swollen lump on her face from the scratch and as such has been very reluctant to take a bottle, so it has been back to the battlefields - she is so strong willed and pig headed.

Well tonight I picked her up and the lump burst. OMG :laugh: - cleaned it up and she looks better.

But still wont take that bottle. So now I am syringing onto her tongue. She did take a bit earlier tonight and I thought great she must be feeling better, then no sooner I thought that and then she played up.

Next feed she had to have her antibiotics and didnt want a bar of the bottle afterwards.

I am trying to keep her hydrated as much as I can, and she takes a bit of cooled boiled water better than her bottle.

She even got up tonight and kind of walked across the whelping box - so not lacking energy.

But I dont feel that we are out of the woods yet and we have a long way to go....and another long night ahead.

Heres a picky of one of the pups anyway.


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You sure have had a tough time of it! Does the little girl drink from mum at all? Hope all continues to improve and the little one starts feeding normally.

Mine must be a similar age to yours, they are now all up on their legs and starting to play and respond! It is a very cute age!

Good luck! Very cute pic of the puppy...looks just like mine :laugh:

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Kelpiesrule I am so sorry to hear of your loss...RIP little one :laugh:

I have come to the conclusion that this month just sucks :love:

There has been just so much heartache :laugh:

Although I haven't lost any babies(puppies) I have lost this month also (newborn foal at 18days old due to incompetant vet), I feel for you all and can only hope that the new year brings a little more happiness...

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I come in to see how MM is going?

I saw your darling daughter at the vet clinic this morning, I hope everything is ok and the baby is fine. ;)

Hi Rysintira.....no sadly we had to PTS. There was just nothing else we could do. Her body couldnt fight it any more and she started having mild fits this morning.

:laugh::laugh::rofl::o:mad:laugh: RIP Bambi - she was three weeks old today.

And have to say this has been the longest, tiring and most emotional 3 weeks with a litter that I have ever had.

Kelpiesrule.....so sorry to hear that you have lost one also. :D :):angel:

Edited by MissMonaro
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I come in to see how MM is going?

I saw your darling daughter at the vet clinic this morning, I hope everything is ok and the baby is fine. :laugh:

Hi Rysintira.....no sadly we had to PTS. There was just nothing else we could do. Her body couldnt fight it any more and she started having mild fits this morning.

:laugh::rofl::o:mad :D :laugh: RIP Bambi - she was three weeks old today.

And have to say this has been the longest, tiring and most emotional 3 weeks with a litter that I have ever had.

Kelpiesrule.....so sorry to hear that you have lost one also. :):angel::o

Sorry to hear you have had such a battle MM, hope things start to improve soon.... ;)

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Just an update on my guys.

Boots babies are now 11 days old and all have doubled their birth weight.


Daisy's baby is 4 days old and is gaining weight each day as well.


Daisy is recovering from the C-Section well and Boots now has charge of all the babies so Daisy can dry up her milk and just spend time taking it easy.

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You sure have had a tough time of it! Does the little girl drink from mum at all?

Shelbyville....she used to feed from her mother. She was the smallest pup we have ever had born here, weighing in at 313 grams and was just a little fighter. She started out doing okay....she didnt really gain a lot of weight, but was stable.

After her brothers passed, she slowly lost the inclination to feed from mum, so we took over, only topping her up to start with. Then she showed less and less interest in mum and it just kind of spiralled from there.

At 3 weeks of age she hadnt even hit the 1 kg mark - and most of our pups hit that by the end of week 1 (as you would know yourself how fast labbie pups grow)

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So sorry to hear about your little girl MM. 313g is tiny for a lab puppy. One of mine in this litter was 350gm, which is the smallest I have ever had, he is doing well though and has almost caught up to the others of almost 2kgs at 3 weeks tomorrow.

Hope the rest of the litter are doing really well, and you can get some rest and recover from such an emotional & exhausting 3 weeks.

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