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Litters Due In December 2009

Bilbo Baggins

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LMWS, I felt a huge knot in my stomach when I read this --- So sorry for your loss.

MissMonaro sorry all of your hard work ended in heartbreak & I hope the rest of your litter are doing well.

Yarrowfell I hope that the rest of your litter is doing well.

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So sorry to read about everybody's losses. I feel for you all, having lost my own little one after fighting so hard for her.

I know it is because we are all concentrated in one area, but it just seems that the latter half of 2009 has been a terrible time as far as litters and puppies are concerned.

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I agree Ellz....seems lately so many crap things going on.

Breeding definately isnt all cute little puppies - sometimes its very exhausting and emotionally draining.

Its in the those wee hours of the morning, when you are so tired that you can barely stay awake, but you do because that little life in your hands needs you to try for them. That is when you really contemplate whether you want to breed another litter. Whether the crap just always seems to land in your lap, and it just all seems so hard.

Then you come here to find that other breeders do have as much drama, if not more, and some have much deeper losses, and that you arent alone - other ppl have crap things happen to them too.

But it does make you realise how grateful you are that your bitch is doing good and you still have puppies to raise and cuddle.

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Yarrowfell I hope that the rest of your litter is doing well.

We are down to 4 babies - lost another boy. The remaining 4 are doing really well and will hopefully be OK. I have another litter due in 2 days so crossing fingers (and toes) that they will be all fine.

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Yarrowfell I hope that the rest of your litter is doing well.

We are down to 4 babies - lost another boy. The remaining 4 are doing really well and will hopefully be OK. I have another litter due in 2 days so crossing fingers (and toes) that they will be all fine.

oh no yarrowfell - so sorry to hear this news. :shrug:

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Yarowfell and Miss Monaro, I am so sorry to hear of your losses, I too about eight years ago, had a litter of six puppies, the vet over anethitised the bitch hence the babies and from this six the first born was the only survivor but not before one day at a time for five days I lost a puppy a day doing what the two of you have been faced with in these past few days, almost lost the Dam, she was put on valium to settle her, at times like these you wonder if it is all worth it, then you look at the surviving babies and how gorgeous they are and your heart tells you with a resounding yes to continue.

Little Lab baby and the baby Puglets fly free sweet angels there are many waiting for you at the :(

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:wave: Just a short message (trust me, it could be a lot longer!) as my eyes are filled with tears after reading everyone's heartfelt words. I thank each & every one of you. BB, Aziah, Fanuilos, WG, and more, thank you for your calls, your support, and just for listening to me blubbering down the line.

I am not coping well, and finding it hard to accept my losses, my beautiful girl Sugar & her 12 babies. :laugh:

13 lives were stolen from me & my heart is broken, I'm confused, and angry... shattered & broken. I will be taking the matter further. Long story that I don't really feel like going into right now, I'm sure you all understand.

One positive, is that I have 2 little boy puppies, who are absolutely thriving.

I owe huge thanks to Laurelle from Andacht GSD's, who attempted to introduce my babies into her litter of GSD puppies, this was unfortunately unsuccessful.

Her sister Carolyn, Firdrak Mini Schnauzers, so kindly tried with one of her girls who had a single pup & lots of milk to spare, and she lovingly accepted my babies as her own without hesitation. :eek: I was so happy I cried.

Breeders, give all your girls a hug from me tonight, and your pups. You are all blessed with life.

Hugs to everyone else who had losses, my heart goes out to you.

What I have gone through IS a breeders worst nightmare, but when I wake up, it's not a dream, my girl is gone :shrug::rofl:

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LWMS again I am so sorry for your loss....your post brought tears to my eyes. I am so glad that you have 2 babies and that their surrogate mum is caring for them. That is at least a small positive.

Unfortunately for us.........more bad news.

We lost another one - the brother has also just left us. We are just devestated. He was putting on weight and doing really well, and then just crashed.

We arent sure whether he had suffered any problems as he was the one that was out of his bag when they went in to do the c-section.

Please pray we dont lose any more.


Edited by MissMonaro
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I am not coping well, and finding it hard to accept my losses, my beautiful girl Sugar & her 12 babies. :laugh:

LMWS I am so Sorry. I lost one of my girls in Feburary along with her 5 unborn babies - my girl started labour and then just keeled over and stop breathing. I spent weeks in tears (and still get upset about it now). The pain will get better with time - enjoy the bubs you managed to get and remember the good times.

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I am so sorry for all of you who are having a rough time, i am finding it hard to express what i feel. All i can say is i am thinking of you all.

Sending a extra big hug :laugh: for you LMWS i can't begin to image the sadness you feel right now.

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:wave: Just a short message (trust me, it could be a lot longer!) as my eyes are filled with tears after reading everyone's heartfelt words. I thank each & every one of you. BB, Aziah, Fanuilos, WG, and more, thank you for your calls, your support, and just for listening to me blubbering down the line.

I am not coping well, and finding it hard to accept my losses, my beautiful girl Sugar & her 12 babies. :laugh:

13 lives were stolen from me & my heart is broken, I'm confused, and angry... shattered & broken. I will be taking the matter further. Long story that I don't really feel like going into right now, I'm sure you all understand.

One positive, is that I have 2 little boy puppies, who are absolutely thriving.

I owe huge thanks to Laurelle from Andacht GSD's, who attempted to introduce my babies into her litter of GSD puppies, this was unfortunately unsuccessful.

Her sister Carolyn, Firdrak Mini Schnauzers, so kindly tried with one of her girls who had a single pup & lots of milk to spare, and she lovingly accepted my babies as her own without hesitation. :eek: I was so happy I cried.

Breeders, give all your girls a hug from me tonight, and your pups. You are all blessed with life.

Hugs to everyone else who had losses, my heart goes out to you.

What I have gone through IS a breeders worst nightmare, but when I wake up, it's not a dream, my girl is gone :shrug::rofl:

I don't have the words as I am sitting here crying after reading this. I am thinking of you. HUGS
LWMS again I am so sorry for your loss....your post brought tears to my eyes. I am so glad that you have 2 babies and that their surrogate mum is caring for them. That is at least a small positive.

Unfortunately for us.........more bad news.

We lost another one - the brother has also just left us. We are just devestated. He was putting on weight and doing really well, and then just crashed.

We arent sure whether he had suffered any problems as he was the one that was out of his bag when they went in to do the c-section.

Please pray we dont lose any more.


So very sorry.

Sending good wishes your way

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:eek: Just a short message (trust me, it could be a lot longer!) as my eyes are filled with tears after reading everyone's heartfelt words. I thank each & every one of you. BB, Aziah, Fanuilos, WG, and more, thank you for your calls, your support, and just for listening to me blubbering down the line.

I am not coping well, and finding it hard to accept my losses, my beautiful girl Sugar & her 12 babies. :D

13 lives were stolen from me & my heart is broken, I'm confused, and angry... shattered & broken. I will be taking the matter further. Long story that I don't really feel like going into right now, I'm sure you all understand.

One positive, is that I have 2 little boy puppies, who are absolutely thriving.

I owe huge thanks to Laurelle from Andacht GSD's, who attempted to introduce my babies into her litter of GSD puppies, this was unfortunately unsuccessful.

Her sister Carolyn, Firdrak Mini Schnauzers, so kindly tried with one of her girls who had a single pup & lots of milk to spare, and she lovingly accepted my babies as her own without hesitation. :D I was so happy I cried.

Breeders, give all your girls a hug from me tonight, and your pups. You are all blessed with life.

Hugs to everyone else who had losses, my heart goes out to you.

What I have gone through IS a breeders worst nightmare, but when I wake up, it's not a dream, my girl is gone :) :D

I just heard the whole tragic story about this tonight. I have been in the dog world a long time and have heard some horror whelping stories but nothing to compare with this. My heart goes out to you LMWS and I feel so much anger that this had to happen to you and your precious girl and her babies.

It is bad enough to lose a bitch when it it no one's fault but I cannot even begin to imagine the pain you must be feeling knowing someone was responsible.

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I havent posted for a while, but have popped in every now and then and I am devastated about the tragic losses :D

Oh a good note my babies are doing well. I have three little tackers who are hanging in there and they are all starting to open their eyes and get more active, so cute watching then trying to walk on their little wobbly legs :D

The 3 big pups all weighed 1140g last night at 16 days old. the little ones range from 560 to 670. They seem to be doing a little better since I change Phoenix's diet, will just have to wait and see how they go once I start feeding them.

Below is a pic of the big choc girl with the two little choc babies, and also a pic of the big black girl with the little black boy.



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