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A Couple Of Training Questions...


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Just wondering if anyone could share their tips for training a dog to do any of the following:

* Gimme 5/Shake Hands

* Stay

* When feeding, making them be patient while the food is being put into the bowl and then eating it when told they can, instead of bull rushing and sticking their head into the food bowl! lol

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Hi... this is how i trained Charlie.

High Five/Shake.

Make puppy sit. Get a treat and put it to the pup's nose and pull it down towards his right leg.. this makes him lift his left paw up (cause he goes off balance) and as soon as he lift his left paw up... tap him on his paw and give him a treat.


Make sure that you have your pup's full attention. Usually a treat. Hold your hand up like a stop sign and firmly say Stay. Then give him a treat. Repeat this. If you feel confident you have more of pup's attention.. take steps back and make pup stay in Stay longer. (Obedience training will teach you how to do this :rofl:)

Wait for food.

Make pup sit. Put bowl down. Most probably pup will be standing again, so stand in front of the bowl. Make him sit again and look at you. Once he obeys.. reward him by stepping aside and give him his food. Repeat this over and over. Pup will eventually learn what the routine is :D

I hope this helps :dropjaw:

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Just wondering if anyone could share their tips for training a dog to do any of the following:

* Gimme 5/Shake Hands

I just started this one with Erik today. I had a treat in my hand and just waved it around until he lifted his paw, then click (or mark with whatever marker you're using). He was so cute. He tried it with one paw, then the other paw, then he literally leapt at my hand and planted both front paws on it. Kivi was easier because he loves using his paws and just did it naturally.

* Stay

Just started this one, too. Ask for a sit, then wait a few seconds before releasing either with your terminal marker or your release word (like "okay"). Take a step away. Gradually increase time and distance before releasing/rewarding. It's sometimes good to try to go back to your dog before marking so they don't learn to bolt as soon as you say "good" or whatever.

* When feeding, making them be patient while the food is being put into the bowl and then eating it when told they can, instead of bull rushing and sticking their head into the food bowl! lol

Ah, this one is so good for stress-free feeding. I ask Erik to sit and pop him tiny tidbits from his meal if he's sitting quietly. He picked it up SO fast! When he's jumping around barking I just ignore him. We've been doing this since we got him a month ago and he's currently sitting quietly through me preparing both dogs' meals with one or two treats. You just gradually expect longer periods of silence before rewarding. I did this with Kivi and he now sits politely and waits to be fed without making a sound.

Same thing for putting the bowl down. I ask for a sit, then pop it down. Pretty easy. :( Have fun!

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Waiting while I put the food bowl down is one of the 1st things I teach a puppy. Pup is usually sitting. I hold my hand against the chest, which will eventually be the wait signal in front of their nose, while I put the bowl down. If they get up remove the bowl , try again. eventually they figure out that they won't eat unless they remain seated. After a few tried add the cue word/words. Eventually you can get the dog to wait longer before allowing to eat.

Once they know this you can follow the same principle for stays. Make sure the dog knows what is required for stay & add time before you take steps back, one at a time. Start in a quiet place with no distractions before you try different places. Always return to your dog & praise before allowing them to move.

To teach shake hands, hold a piece of food on the side of the mouth & gently push the treat on the diagonal against the mouth & the dog will off balance & lift the opposite paw. Take gently & don't grab as you may hurt the dog.

From shake you can teach high 5 by not taking the paw, but holding your hand straight up & pushing against it.

From that you can get the dog to wave by teasing it by not taking the paw & wave your hand at the dog.

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Teaching dog to wait for food:

I do similar to luvsdogs

Take food out ask dog to sit, if dog breaks or ignores I take food away. Sometimes i'll present again 30mins later, or sometimes wait until next feed time. If dog stays seated while i place food down I then release and dog can have food. having said that I have trained mine not to eat their dinner until they get their eat command

Hope this helps

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Thanks very much! The feeding I think is under control now, he seemed to pick that up rather quick, last night I was rather impressed actually coz I walked in to the shed where we feed him and he sat at the door and waited until I started walking away before he got up to go and eat. Hoping that behaviour sticks! lol. I'll try the other two tricks and see if he picks them up too, thanks again :thumbsup:

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