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Strange Behaviour


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:mad This may or may not be strange...what do you think?

We adopted Ollie from a shelter about 5months ago. He settled in really well. We had a couple of little weeing accidents but nothing more than you would expect with a dog that finds himself in a new environment.

About three weeks ago we bought Penny home, she is also a shelter dog and she has settled in really well. Ollie loves her, although every now and then he behaves a bit silly and a bit put out by Penny but overall I think it has been really positive for Ollie.

Anyway - to the point of the post. Over the last week or so we have had two weeing incidents with Ollie. He has been weeing in the house. (After the first one I thought it was Penny but now have confirmed it was Ollie!) Aah but that is not all - this morning I heard him wee in the laundry and then go out the doggie door and do a poo on the paving! It was a big wee too, so I'd say he was hanging on for a while.....does this sound strange to anyone or do you think its just settling in issues? Both times he has done it, it almost seems that he is on his way out but doesnt quite make it.

My thinking is that maybe he is doesnt want to leave sight of Penny or me, for fear of 'missing out' and then perhaps leaves it too late! Am hoping he doesnt make a habit of it :eek:

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