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Gawler Obed. Trial


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Who's going to the Gawler Obedience Trial tomorrow, just trying to see how many other idiot's there are out there :laugh:. Been watching the weather here & it's blowing, raining, hailing & bl...y freezing, guess we'll all be turning a lovely shade of blue tomorrow, see you there :D .

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Rivsky will be there Dova :wave: . I would have been if I didn't have a conference to attend :D . Pretty sure xena98 will be there too.

Glad I'm not the only dill around, hoping to get Pebbles 3rd & Izzi's 2nd CCD pass tomorrow, maybe the weather will clear up a bit :laugh:.

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Today we had the obedience trial at Gawler. Young Gabby at the tender age of 25 months old got her UD title with 192 and first place. Inka well she was being an Inka LOL and failed both her classes decided she wasnt going to do her articles and did a beautiful drop on recall bad luck it wasnt with my command and Xena well she got 193 and first in open and 187 and first in ud.

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I'll be at SAODC & Dova, handed my entries in for Dova yesterday, thanks Xena. I had a good news bad news day yesterday :laugh:, good news was Pebbles got her CCD with 92 points :(, she's entered in CCD next week but I've taken a chance & put her in Novice at Dova :cheer: :D, expecting to fail but gotta start some where :laugh:. Now for the bad news bit of the day, Izzi hmmm, in the heel work she did a head stand, honest, then doing the recall she dropped instead of sitting TWICE :rofl:, & to top it all off she went down in the sit stay :cheer:. Izzi did work really well in the heel work, except for the acrobatics of course, she was watching me all the time & her recall after the lay downs, was straight & her nose was right on my knees, so I was very happy with the good bits, had to ;) at the head stand & was :laugh: at the going down in the sit, she's usually very good in the sit & drop stays, guess I'll just have to work on them a bit more.

Big congradulations to DogSportObsessed & Xena :mad:eek: ;), how good do you both feel.

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Aren't you going Rivsky?

Yeah will be at Southern and SA Xena98 - this time hopefully not adding to the list of 101 ways to fail a COP in open :D

Congratulations Dova and Pebbles and best of luck for novice, and hope Izzi has a better day at Dover and SA for you :rofl:

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