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Hot Spots / Recurrent Sores


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For anyone looking for options to treat the recurrent sores known as hot spots, this is working for me:

Firstly, stating the obvious, do your own research and reach your own conclusion about using 'human' medication for animals.

Vet presribed medications and cremes, including 2wks courses of 2 different anitbiotics, didn't work.

I have applied Clindamycin creme (topical antibacterial) in the mornings, followed by Tazarotene creme (topical Vit A) at night. Improvement by next day, followed by rapid healing. I sit with the dog for about half hr tomake sure she doesn't lick it all off, then I give her a biscuit or something to distract her. I keep applying for about a week. I am also trying Euclalyptus spray (from supermarket - spray tin) as a preventative, once a day on her paws which is where she gets them.

Although you may not have acess to these same cremes, they might point you in the right direction for other options if what you have from your vet isn't working.

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I've looked at diet too. I deliberately vary it so they don't get bored :)) but also to avoid the issue with too much or not enough of whatever.

The other thing is, I have 5 dogs and only this one gets the sores. I am hoping as she is only a bit over 12mnths that she may yet grow out of it.

Anyway, my info might of use to someone else.



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It definitely has something to do with diet and keeping the ears sparkling clean IMO.

I also stopped Vaccinating and using Proheart SR-12, one of the key symptoms of vaccinosis is hot spots of the head.

Also don't Vaccinate in the summer or when your dog shows any allergic symptoms as this can exacerbate the symptoms. :laugh:

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