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Toilet Training..... Again!


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Hi All.. Please be patient with me :thumbsup:

I have read the posts on this topic but my main problem is consistincy ,mine and his.

He is 9 wks is crate trained but pees his bed every night even though I get up at around 12am so he can go

I use all the right commands but he goes right after coming in from outside and ALL the time every few minutes sometimes and not in the same spot.

He is an inside only dog as we are on the first floor he has a doggy toilet on the balcony and I do take him out every 1/2 hr or so.

When he pees outside I encourage him with lots of praise. ALso I'm trying to get him to accept the noise and other people in the house he is quiet and not too used to others I'm also trying to avoid the possessiveness to one person.

Here's a sample of our day

up at 12am(yes midnight)

up again at 6am straight out for toilet

hubby watches him reg breaks until 7am Breakfast then toilet but he's already peed a dozen times by then

crated while kids get ready if he's not asleep toilet every 1/2 hr

out for toilet then play (agin peed alot)

crate then lunch toilet break so on

I think i'm giving him alot of opportunities to use the loo

should I make a pen off his crate and keep him in that all the time?

I'm getting frustrated I've never had this much trouble before....

Please help

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Wow.. he likes going to the toilet a lot!!

I took mine out after play time, after he sleeps, after he eats. We stay outside for 15 minutes, then I bring him in. If he hasn't gone in that 15 minutes, I will take him out again within 1 minute, again and then he does his business. When you take a puppy outside, they are easily distracted, so they go sniff everything.. then go inside, and it hits them they need to go to the toilet.

Once he goes to the toilet... I make it out like he did the best thing in the whole entire world. Then we go back inside again.

We do that over and over. Till he does it without me going outside with him. And, yours is only 9 weeks old, he is still a baby... they still don't know any better. It takes time and patiences.

It's all has to do with consistency. Don't get mad or show frustration though.

Edited by charleswentworth
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He is 9 wks is crate trained but pees his bed every night even though I get up at around 12am so he can go

Hi undecided :cry:

I recently had to crate one of my puppies because of an injury, with her I had to take her out every 2 hrs at night for the first few nights, and then cut it back to only twice....about 3 hrs apart. she was 20+ weeks at this time.

So it'd be before bed, at 9.30pm, then at midnight and again at 3am , then at 6am when I get up.

Now she only needs 1 toilet break which I do around 2am and am slowly extending it by 10 minutes every night.

Even then, she has a huge wee when she gets up at 6am :noidea:

I think some pups catch on quick and can manage to hold it, but others can't :cry:

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awww.. don't get down. you are doing a good job. you haven't failed.. he is still a 9 weeks old pup. new family and new environment. maybe he is still settling down. beside, a pup is not fully toilet trained till they are 6 months anyway.

my friend is having problem toilet training her pup too.

she wants to give up on her pup and leave it outside :confused:

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What a light bulb moment!!! :birthday:

I never thought of it that way before.....hmmmm

I hope that having him in a puppy pen will help, he whines to get out and before he is allowed play time loose he is taken out to the puppy loo with SUPER praise when he goes....

fingers crossed....

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I would be getting the vet to check him out. He could have a bladder infection because in my experience puppies don't wee anywhere near that often without a medical reason.

My thoughts too.

A dozen times inside one hour? That's not right. That's a pee every 5 minutes. I'd get him Vet checked.

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