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Miss B

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Over the past week or so I have been training Luna, my Sibe, to walk and jog on our treadmill. So far we've only done 4 short sessions and she has taken to it like a duck to water :eek: I have a short video of her jogging, but I still have to edit and upload it. For now, here is a photo.


Has anyone else taught their dog to use a treadmill?

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How cool!!!!

My mum was talking about her exercise equipment the other day and I said if she wants to give away her treadmill I'd take it - should've seen the look on her face when I said I wanted it for the dogs ;) :rofl: (only on absolutely crappy weather / stinky hot days of course :):cheer: ).

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Nice job! :)

I seen the dog ones at the show on Saturday but didn't ask how much they were. Might get brave and ask tomorrow when we go back. Bet they're more $$$ than the human ones. :rofl:

If I had one I'd teach Darcy to use it, great for those days where the weather is bad or occasionally when the time factor gets you.

;) at MP!

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Jess the ones they have at the show are really really expensive. We used to have an old one that was used for greyhounds it was great. Bailey loved it. Flea loved it a little to much and would bark and try to chase an bite the belt as it went round. They are good because you can get a nice steady pace going for 10 15 mins unlike a walk which for some dogs is a little slow but a ball chase is to flat out. I'd love another one.

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I have a treadmill here and I hardly ever use it _Surprise _

How exactly did you introduce your dog to it? Was it a case of just run it really slowly and put her on? Or did you let her sit on it first etc. A few people have had posts here before about treadmills and several have suggested that you box in the sides etc.

Just wondering how others felt abou that because I have Labs and they could always do with more exercise

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How exactly did you introduce your dog to it? Was it a case of just run it really slowly and put her on? Or did you let her sit on it first etc. A few people have had posts here before about treadmills and several have suggested that you box in the sides etc.

I just copied the instructions on this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1AIdeSEo5w

I haven't found any need to box the sides in but I guess all dogs are different. My girl took to it really quickly and had it all figured out within 2 short sessions. She happily jumps up on the belt and waits for me to turn it on :confused:

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Nice job! :)

I seen the dog ones at the show on Saturday but didn't ask how much they were. Might get brave and ask tomorrow when we go back. Bet they're more $$ than the human ones. :laugh:

If I had one I'd teach Darcy to use it, great for those days where the weather is bad or occasionally when the time factor gets you.

:laugh: at MP!

There's a bloke in Perth NOR who refits human ones (second hand, good condition) for dogs. I think they cost around $180. They aren't as good as the dog ones . . . eg, they're too narrow to let you walk side by side with the dog for training. But given the $1000+ price difference, who cares. There may be similar options in other places. [i found this guy through the Quokka . . . he still advertises there].

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