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Anyone Else Exhausted?


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Just looking for a bit of support! Does anyone else find having a puppy exhausting? I've never had one before, and I can't believe how much work it is (I know, everyone told me it would be, but I didn't realise to what extent!)

It's making me wonder how my husband and I would cope with having a baby!

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I know how you feel. The middle of the night toilet trips, picking up the things off the floor they have torn to a million pieces, standing outside waiting for them to go to the toilet, teaching them manners and tricks etc.

Dont worry, it gets a whole lot better.

My little boy is almost 5 months now and he is starting to become easier. He hasnt had any accidents in the house in a couple of weeks and now wakes himself in the middle of the night, goes downstairs, out the doggy door to do his business and then brings himself back upstairs and gets into bed and goes back to sleep.

Hang in there and dont forget, they do grow up quickly and then you kinda miss the mischief they created when they were little and how teeny tiny and cute they were.

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I soooo know how you feel! I have this strict schedule that I follow and basically every hour of my pup’s life is planned out. Some days I just want to say “I’m not going to train you or socialise you! I’m just going to put you in the yard and watch TV for the rest of the day”. Of course I don’t do that though because she is just so adorable and sweet I want to do the right thing by her!

I also have an older boy and that means triple walks (I walk pup separately as they get different lengths of walks and older boy gets 2 walks a day).

But it does get better. At 19 weeks I am actually able to trust her more so I am actually getting large chunks of my old life back!

And the crazy thing is she is actually a REALLY good puppy and is probably as easy to raise as they come. After one week she was able to hold her bladder all night. She also doesn’t touch anything that does not belong to her

But you know what, I miss carrying her out to the toilet trips out at night and having a puppy cuddle afterwards. I miss the crazy little fluff ball who zoomed around my house and now that she is settling down I am desperately wanting her to stay a baby for a bit longer.

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I was and have been with other pups before but Alchemy now 15 weeks (? I can never remember exactly) is pretty good.

We were only tired for the first 3 weeks or so, now everything is pretty easy. Show training and such like are all coming along well.

I don't know if its because I have had many pups before her or if its just her.

Toilet training is slowly coming along though and getting up at 5 in the morning to let her out is wearing but between my OH and I we seem to be doing fine.

Edited by Wolfsong
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oh i know how you feel!!!

when my OH and i first got Harlo we were sssoooo exhausted that after 3 days i left and went and stayed with my mum for a bit of peace and quiet for the night, and as soon as i got there i sat on the couch and cryed for 3 hours saying i couldnt do it, i think its just your so mentally tired and its all a shock and your not used to thinking about someone else 24/7 and catering to there every need

but now Harlo is 7 months old and the other day my OH and I were talking about how we would love another puppy :rofl: i then remembered how hard it was and tried to remind him and he said "well i dont mind getting up in the middle of the night, its not that much of a big deal"! :rofl: was the first time! when i was up with her every hour! :laugh:

dont worry by time there 5 months it gets easier, still one of the hardest most rewarding things ive done though! and looking at there beautiful faces and knowing how much they love you for it makes it a whole lot easier!

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It's making me wonder how my husband and I would cope with having a baby!

It's funny you say that... We had Jedi for 1 week when OH says to me, "you know, we could have a baby..."! :laugh: (he previously thought we would not have 'time')

They are a lot of work but they are worth it in the end. The more effort you put in now the easier the dog will be as an adult.

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It's making me wonder how my husband and I would cope with having a baby!

It's funny you say that... We had Jedi for 1 week when OH says to me, "you know, we could have a baby..."! :rofl: (he previously thought we would not have 'time')

They are a lot of work but they are worth it in the end. The more effort you put in now the easier the dog will be as an adult.

Couldn't agree more with what I've highlighted in your post TN :laugh: Zig nearly killed me as a puppy :rofl: but he is such a lovely companion at home now :rofl:

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Well, I have a big fluffy babysitter. Kivi is just the right age and temperament to adore having a puppy around. In the last week Erik's toilet training has come along in leaps and bounds, he has settled down considerably with Kivi so I don't have to do so much supervising with them. When Erik gets crazy Kivi is normally happy to take care of him for me. :)

I'm also finding Erik to be an easier puppy in general to Kivi, even though he's a little firecracker in comparison. Maybe it's because I've got Kivi to soak up all his energy, but he seems to have been just easier to train.

The most exhausting thing I find is just training all the things I have to train! Where do people find the time to train their puppies? It seems there's an endless list of good manners and basics you have to teach them as quickly as possible. :eek:

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The most exhausting thing I find is just training all the things I have to train! Where do people find the time to train their puppies? It seems there's an endless list of good manners and basics you have to teach them as quickly as possible. :)

Give it a few weeks and you'll wish you had more stuff to teach! I am running out of things to train her now and need to work on the clicker again! And I am sooo bad with the clicker!

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Thanks everyone for your support!

Bella is 11 weeks old today and we are still struggling with the basics. Mostly peeing & pooping outside now (averaging 1 accident a day), she is starting to learn not to jump up on us, but she just gets so excited and hyper when we are home!

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My little boy is just over 5 months ... and he is a working dog so he is extremely full on.

Some days I just want to ring his neck and other days he is just soooooo sweet.

The first night I brought him home from the airport ... all I wanted to do was put him on the first plane back to his breeder ...

Good luck with your puppy :)

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This was my experience -

8 week old pup - 3 months of age(ish)

Always have to watch her, chewing everything, eating everything, poo and pee inside if not taken outside regularly, chasing cats, chomping on power cords, lots of energy and whining when bored, waking up halfway through the night for toilet, having to be locked in crate at night, pulling on leash, scared of the dark, waking up at 7am even on weekends cos thats when she woke up and I couldn't leave her unsupervised

Now I have a 6.5month old more mature and beautiful dog! -

Fully toilet trained, obedient, knows lots of tricks, doesn't pull on leash so walks are enjoyable, sleeps in our room with us free, I can SLEEP IN FINALLY cos I can leave her in the house unsupervised and she doesn't do *too* much damage (lol), is a lot nicer to the 3 cats now, can walk out the front door without running off, jumps straight into the van for car trips, knows our routine and never whines out of angst anymore, goes to 'bed' at 10pm every night (falls asleep then), happy to entertain herself with her toys, has FINISHED TEETHING YAY, doesn't chew half as many things now.

Mm yeah! It's soooo worth it in the end, I keep thinking if mine's this good at 6mths old, she will be amazing at 2yrs +!

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you think you have it tough

try raising a working malinois.

Oh I was lucky and didnt have the whining, the chewing, the crying, the mouthing she was never allowed.

I did have day in day out of routine, drive building, socialisation, bitework, praise, training etc

you have it lucky with just a pet so appreciate it and simply put your foot down to unwanted behaviors. If I can with mega chewing, high drive pups whilst holding down a full time job as well you guys have the easy road :(

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you think you have it tough

try raising a working malinois.

Oh I was lucky and didnt have the whining, the chewing, the crying, the mouthing she was never allowed.

I did have day in day out of routine, drive building, socialisation, bitework, praise, training etc

you have it lucky with just a pet so appreciate it and simply put your foot down to unwanted behaviors. If I can with mega chewing, high drive pups whilst holding down a full time job as well you guys have the easy road :(

Wowsers!!! How do u make malinois pups behave while out of the house fulltime hours?? They sound soooo full on

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It's making me wonder how my husband and I would cope with having a baby!

LOL I had a 5.5 month old baby when my husband turned up with 2 puppies (we were getting 1 - which I didnt really want and ended up with 2 ;) ). Baby is now 9 months and puppies 6 months.

I love them and wouldnt give them back. They are Poodles so always under my feat, plus I have the baby on me and a 5 year old - I really have my hands full LOL


*touchwood* they arent really biters/chewers/barkers (which is great)


middle of the night toilet trips were easy as I was up doing midnight feeds, the baby weight melted off with all the extra walking I was doing and puppy/obedience school is a great childfree break :(

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Wowsers!!! How do u make malinois pups behave while out of the house fulltime hours?? They sound soooo full on

a lot of forward planning and rotating toys.

they are very full on so every spare minute is devoted to some sort of work with them which is why I have the wonderful 5 1/2 year old bitch I have today.

So when people complain about the normal pet pups I find it rather unfounded. Dont want things chewed - move them. Sick of them under your feet - crate them. At least yours tire out mine would GO GO GO for almost every moment I was home and giving her a sleep routine from the moment she came home was a godsend!

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Wowsers!!! How do u make malinois pups behave while out of the house fulltime hours?? They sound soooo full on

a lot of forward planning and rotating toys.

they are very full on so every spare minute is devoted to some sort of work with them which is why I have the wonderful 5 1/2 year old bitch I have today.

So when people complain about the normal pet pups I find it rather unfounded. Dont want things chewed - move them. Sick of them under your feet - crate them. At least yours tire out mine would GO GO GO for almost every moment I was home and giving her a sleep routine from the moment she came home was a godsend!

... I'm so glad I didn't get a high-energy shepherd! :(

.. which wouldn't be anywhere near as challenging as the malinois im imagining?

Edited by Shellectra
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you think you have it tough

try raising a working malinois.

Oh I was lucky and didnt have the whining, the chewing, the crying, the mouthing she was never allowed.

I did have day in day out of routine, drive building, socialisation, bitework, praise, training etc

you have it lucky with just a pet so appreciate it and simply put your foot down to unwanted behaviors. If I can with mega chewing, high drive pups whilst holding down a full time job as well you guys have the easy road :rofl:

:rofl: I got the whining, chewing, crying and mouthing ... but he is getting better :( ;)

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