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Exercise For Pup Post-spay Advice Pls


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Hi all. My baby girl is getting spayed today and her hernia repaired. I'm quite anxious obviously that she will be very sore after her op when she comes home this afternoon. She is a very active happy dog and I want to know when she should be ok to get back to her regular exercise and training schedule. Should she stay home for a week or longer? Obviously vet will give me time frame of rest etc but I'd like opinions from how long other ppls dog took to recover! She's my first pup in 14 years so i've forgotten alot! P.s she behaved beautifully at vet today.

Edited by Ciara
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Hi-she ideally should be confined to a crate or a room for the first few days- with on leash toilet breaks- or on leash 'being with the family time'.

JUMPING up is the worst thing- so no jumping onto furniture/people/cars etc.

I would think she needs to be kept quiet until her stitches come out... especially since she is having hernia repair as well.

Make sure she has an elizabethan collar or a soft basket muzzle, so she doesn't lick the wounds, or chew stitches out!

Today/tomorrow she will probably be quiet and sooky and may not want to eat- that's fine.

Don't push her to be active, or interact with anyone...leave her rest and recuperate.

how long other ppls dog took to recover!

I guess this depends on individual dogs- their age/health etc , as well as the surgery they had done :crossfingers:

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Hi thanks persephone, I'm just being an over cautious pup mum lol. She is crate trained and so won't be a problem confining her. Will just have to keep her very quiet as she is very playful and might try to exert herself! She doesn't jump on anything except me when i ask her to so hopefully she won't stretch her wound. Will keep her home all week and nice and quiet. Thanks for advice. Its always reassuring to hear what others think when you're worried about your dog! Will keep a close eye on her and restrict her play!

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It's the worst time. Tilba was spayed back in March & came home groggy & wearing her eliz collar which she needed the whole time because she wouldn't leave the incision alone. My son's dog was totally different, didn't touch her wound once, you wouldn't even know she had been done.

I wouldn't encourage too much exercise until the stitches come out/dissolve even if she shows she feels better.

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Well she's home and a bit sore. Has pain meds and seems ok. I had to put the eliz collar on her as she was licking the stitches alot as she lay in her crate. She has plenty of room so i haven't heard any plastic knocking against the bars. She's just quietly laying down asleep since 5pm except for a few toilet breaks and a small snack.. Wouldn't let her negotiate the steps to the yard so I carried her. Lol. Vet said crate rest for 24 hrs then she'll likely be back to normal so just keep her on leash for few days while outside (like u said pf) so she can't stretch out and hurt herself. He said she can go for walks if she seems ok but i think i'll leave her home this week just to cd safe!

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