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What To Use For Indoor Toilet?


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I'm doing crate training with my 10 week old puppy, I am usually home most days so have not needed to use an indoor toilet. But in about 2 weeks time I will be having to leave her for a few hours (possibly 4hours) at a time during the day.

I was thinking of setting up a semi confined area in our coolest part of the house- laundry with tiles and putting a doggy toilet in there for her to use if she really has to go. There is nothing in the laundry room that she could hurt herself or chew etc etc. I would also put her water and chew toys in there.

I was thinking of doing this rather than leaving her in her crate for that amount of time as she would soil in it being so young?

My main questions are .....should I do the semi confinement and if so what do I use as a doggy toilet?????

Cheers for any ideas/help

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What about putting her in the back yard?

Puppies love exploring in fresh air.

If you don't have a yard then I would get a square of turf and put it in an oversized oven tray in the laundry. Beats mucking around with paper/pads that pups love tearing up and the pup will also associate the turf with toileting outside.

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Stupid me...I never even considered putting her outside! I had been a little worried as I'm in far nth qld and we get snakes etc, thought she might be a bit little yet??? We have a good sized yard, fully fenced and I had looked into creating an outdoor pen for her. I might get onto sorting that out for her.

Thanks Clyde for the square of turf idea too!

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  persephone said:
make up a pen outdoors for her?

This is what I did for my boy when he was too little to safely leave in the (what seemed like then) BIG back yard. I made it so that the pen was attached to his crate and I secured it against some existing railing to ensure it could not topple over. I also had the crate section well sheltered and added a cover on top of that to keep out drafts.

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Hi ...as Clyde recommended I used fake turf. When I was crate training my puppy I used initially puppy pee pads adjacent to the crate, then used a wire underbed storage unit with artifical grass set on it to get her more confident leading to wee time outside when she developed more 'holding ' power!

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