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5437 From Blacktown Pound - See Pics Of Her Safe


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I love this pic of Jasmine as she waits patiently for a chip. This pic sums her up, she is a gentle and well mannered girl and likes to be close. (taken this arvo)


Luki has the toy - around around in circles we go :) (taken today)


Jasmine often gets a check up from Jack. He gets the torch and searches her belly for ouchies. :rofl:

(This was taken about a week and a half back)


Taken a while ago - I may of uploaded this one in an earlier post??


Taken about a month and a hlf ago - OH calls me to the loungeroom and says "Look what he's doing?" this is the first examination we noticed Jack giving Jasmine. She gets one or two a week, sometimes more. :rofl:


This one must of been taken months back, as Bailey (baby) has been out of the rocker chair for a while now.

(Again I may of posted earlier)

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  • 3 months later...

Just an update on our foster failure Jasmine. :laugh:

I was thinking earlier that it must be close to a year since she arrived and how close was I?

On the 13th (Monday) she will of been here for 1 whole year already. :eek: The first of many. Gee that time has gone so fast.

Jasmine has come such a long, long way. She is well and truly part of the family. She is such a lovely girl, gets along with everyone and much happier to what she was all those months ago on arrival. We love her dearly. Jack baby's her and she loves all the attention. She is a bugger too. If youre patting her and stop, she nudges her head under your hand for more pats. I love watching and listening to Jack as he talks to her like she's a person. :laugh: He'll ask her a question or order her to the lounge to be next to him. She listens to every word he says and obeys his every command.

They sure are best of mates. Jaz loves little Bailey too and vice versa but her and Jack are inseperable. :heart:

Jasmine is one of the nicest dogs Ive known. She is harmless and just thrives on love...

Here are a couple of recent pics


Jaz, Gypz, Luki and Whitey


Her and Luki are best of mates... Luki loves everyone and so does Jasmine


Not too keen on wearing a Birthday hat for Gypsys 11th Birthday


Ready for sleep on the doggy bed (far left) she used to sleep on our bed until Luki and Whitey decided to take up all the space. She still does sometimes. It's a matter of first in, first served these days, but Whitey always manages a spot. :laugh: funny buggers...


With Luki and Whitey


And ofcoarse with her mate, Jack :heart:

So here's to our first year together :cheer: (almost :laugh: ) and may there be many more to come.

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Seems to me like you struck gold when you bought Jasmine home!

And so did Jasmine.

Dammit, K9A. I was getting ready to take the dogs out for their morning walk and so this thread had been revitalised and read it through all over again. :heart::heart: So I am late again !!

The photographic record of your boys growing up surrounded by love and these gorgeous dogs is absolutely priceless.

Edited by Mother Moocher
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  • 8 months later...

Hi guys, an update on Jasmine.

She has been with us for 1 yr and 9 months now. I cannot believe how fast that time has gone.

Her and Jack are still thick as thieves. :laugh: He adores her. She has really come out of her shell and plays heaps more now. She bolts around 100 mile and hour and also plays with toys, mostly teddy bears. She is such a different dog to what she was when she first came home. Much happier and confident. We were blessed to find such a perfect girl and couldn't imagine life without her. :)


BUSTED Look who I found hiding in the washing the other day... :laugh:


And this from a couple weeks ago. Looking pretty guilty...the both of them. :laugh:


Is that bacon in her mouth? :laugh: Sure is. With that ga ga look on Jack's face, there is no guessing who gave it to her. :laugh:

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  • 5 months later...

A quick update on Jasmine. She is going as strong as ever. She'll be 10 in a few months!

Our very special senior, though you'd never guess it. She gets about like a youngen. :laugh:

She's so very sweet. She has been a good Mumma to little Takoda and teaches her how to behave around other dogs. The only time she really plays with Takoda is in the morning when she thinks we're all asleep and can't see her. It's so cute and hard not to notice when they're jumping up on the bed running all over us playing zoomies. I just pretend to be asleep otherwise if she see's I am awake, she stops playing, funny girl she is. Outside she plays with her though, whether I am watching or not. :laugh: She rolls onto her back and gets a free belly scratch while Takoda pounces all over her. :laugh:

Her and Jack are still as close as ever and now that Bailey is getting older (he's 3yrs now), he too is showing more interest in her. He panics when he cannot find her and screams "Jaz, Jaz" until he finds her.

A couple pics I got today outside. Please excuse the jungle, it needs a good mow after all the rain we've just had. It was so nice to finally see some sun. :)



ETA spelling

Edited by k9angel
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  • 2 months later...

Jasmine turns 9 on Sunday! :thumbsup:

She is doing great. She has come out of her shell so much since we got her. She plays with the other dogs now, barks and even goes in the clam pool. :eek::thumbsup:

I am really proud of her. Her and Jack are still as thick as thieves. :laugh: She is so excited when he gets in from school in the afternoon, as is he to see her. In the mornings before he leaves, he often cuddles up with her on the bed telling her goodbye and to be good until he gets home. :laugh: It's so cute.

Some pics taken in the last few days. :)










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