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Cat Biscuits As Dog Treats?

Red Fox

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Are there any problems with using cat biscuits as dog treats?

Obviously they are much higher protein than your average dog food, but surely a small handful here and there as training treats would be okay?

Reason for asking is that my boy gets bored very easily so to keep the treats high value I swap them around a lot. This morning I grabbed a small handful of cat biscuits (Eagle Pack) and he went nuts for them :)

Not something that I plan on using too often, however they are perfect size for clicker training and non-messy. Would be handy to throw a few in my pocket on walks every now and then too, and of course they are something that I always have on hand. (As I feed Kei raw I don't tend to buy dry dog food at all).

I'd love to hear others oppinions on this, does anyone else do it?

Thanks :laugh:

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  Shellectra said:
Any particular cat biscuits extra tasty/tempting smell? Im sick of not being able to find dog treats small enough for training, I buy Natures Gift ones but cut them all in half, takes me ages! I'm onto Schmacko sticks now and breaking bits off but that's tedious also

I think anything with fish in it would be pretty smelly and tempting :o I think Eagle Pack and Ziwi-Peak both have fish varieties.

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  Shellectra said:
Any particular cat biscuits extra tasty/tempting smell? Im sick of not being able to find dog treats small enough for training, I buy Natures Gift ones but cut them all in half, takes me ages! I'm onto Schmacko sticks now and breaking bits off but that's tedious also

If you want something high value and healthier than Schmackos, if you have time I would go to Coles/Woolies, or your local butcher, and buy a cheap packet of sausages (I use pork or beef). I cook them and find cutting them into small pieces pretty easy, and if I cook a few sausages at a time I can put them in individual bags and freeze them ready to take out for training.

I also found kabana is useful, again it's easy to cut too.

I've used cat biscuits for little things but I prefer soft meat for proper training sessions (just my preference). All my dogs love cat biscuits! These are also great:


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  huski said:
I've used cat biscuits for little things but I prefer soft meat for proper training sessions (just my preference). All my dogs love cat biscuits! These are also great:


I honestly prefer softer high value treats for proper training sessions too, and tend to use a rotation of roo sausages, hotdogs, cheese, chunkers, cut up dog roll etc so that he doesn't get sick of one thing. I dont think Kei would ever work for cat biscuits or dried liver under distraction either :laugh:

But I do like harder the dry treats for those times I need to grab something in a hurry, also means I can keep a few in my pocket, next to the front door and on the computer desk without them going off or getting stinky. Todays reason for grabbing a handful of cat biscuit was that someone unfamiliar came to the door and I wanted him to sit quietly next to me while I spoke to them without barking. I just happened to be in the laundry when the doorbell rang and cat food was the first thing I saw :laugh:

As far as commercial treats go I tend to steer right away from them, apart from a bit of dried liver, roo jerky and a few of the Polar Paws treats. The Happy Paws treats are fantastic too. I actually have a big bag here but my silly dog got sick of them halfway through :laugh: So until he changes his mind cat biscuits it is!

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I give my dogs cat treats because they are smaller and usually not full of sugar like dog treats.

BUT - there is an ingredient they put in cat treats that dogs should not eat. I am afraid I dont know what it is - I buy my cat treats from Pet Barn and the manager always checks the ingrediants for me before I buy to make sure the bad one isn't in them.

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One of my dogs absolutely LOVES cat biscuits, so much so, that he will run in to eat that rather than go on a walk. Ordinarily a walk is the most exciting thing in the world, but if he can get to the cat bowl, he has to be physically dragged away for a walk.

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  CP* said:
I give my dogs cat treats because they are smaller and usually not full of sugar like dog treats.

BUT - there is an ingredient they put in cat treats that dogs should not eat. I am afraid I dont know what it is - I buy my cat treats from Pet Barn and the manager always checks the ingrediants for me before I buy to make sure the bad one isn't in them.

You may be thinking of taurine which cats need in a greater amount than dogs. It is not hamful to dogs, in fact they do need traces of it, but in excess quantities it can cause hyperactivity in dogs, like caffeine in some people :heart:

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