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Ear Mites


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Reccomend Advocate as it not only treats ear mites but also fleas,flea larvae,prevents heart worm,controls intestinal worm and its lavae,controls demodectic mange,and lice.

Can be bought in a 6month doses.A bit pricey but well worth it for the coverage it gives you.

Thanks Tess

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Revolution treats ear mites - but if your dog doesn't need to be treated for all the other things that it (or any other spot-on) does, ask your Vet if there is another way to treat the mites by itself.

There are holistic ingredients which can be blended and used in the treatment of ear mites, but I'm not an expert on them and it would do to check with your Vet and/or a Holistic Vet before using.

Once you've cleared the mite infestation I believe that periodic cleaning of the ears by wiping out that part of the ear canal you can see with a mix of white vinegar and water promotes an environment that is not conducive to mites. Just something I remember reading from years ago when my previous girl had ear mites but thinking on it now and not remembering where I read it, I'm not sure of the truth in it.

Edited by Erny
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