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Swollen Tail (cold Tail?)


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Has anybody's dog had a swollen tail before? I just got home from work and first thing I noticed was Ruby's tail wag to greet me was different. It is sticking out about 10cm or so and wags and then it just droops to the floor. The base is feeling warm and larger than normal, though when I touch it or gently squeeze it she isn't flinching. She is licking it a little bit underneath near her bottom so it must be uncomfortable, but not painful. I've rung the vet and spoken to a vet nurse to ask if they've heard of it before, but she couldn't picture it and said I could either bring her in now or wait and see what it's like tomorrow. Because she's not in pain, I've opted to see what it's like in the morning and decide then. I was hoping someone here had come across it before and can give me advice. Thanks :p

P.S. Ruby is a Labrador if that helps, but I'm sure you could all see that from my signature pic ;)

Edited by RubyStar
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I had heard about "cold tail" before and thought it could be this, so just googled it and symptoms seem to be the same. Poor baby! Though it says they recover in a few days... has anybody experienced cold tail and is it something to worry about?

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I think Cally had it years ago. Her tail was very sore to touch, vet could not find anything wrong just said that she had over done it. Took her to her chiro and thought that it may have been broken but could not be sure without an Xray. She had treatments with him twice a week for a couple of weeks and it cleared up. I also kept her quiet at home.

Hope Ruby feels better soon.

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May not be the same but sounds similiar to my joey, it ended up being a broken veterbrae at the base, the end went cold which means circulation has stopped and I spent 9 hours solid doing cold then warm compresses. It was hell and 8 weeks later she is finally on the road to recovery.

I hope it isn't broken and is just a sprain poor baby

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All I know about cold tail is that it is not uncommon in Rotts and is typically brought on when the dog has become wet and the tail has not dried quickly or thoroughly.

Was your dog in the rain at all before you got home?

Edited by dyzney
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Radar and Feonix have both had cold tail - they did have to insist on playing outside during the night in a freezing thunderstorm, instead of staying dry.

Neither of them exhibited any pain response with it, but Rottys are very stoic so it doesn't mean there wasn't some pain. No swelling, but the appearance is as you described - tail held relatively normally at the base, and then dropping off to a "dead" tail after 10cm or so.

They both recovered without any assistance, Feonix was back to normal in a couple of days Radar took around 4 - 5 days to get his tail right back up.

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Thanks, guys. I opted not to head out to training tonight so she could rest up. I trained my other one indoors and she wanted to join in so I did a bit with her afterwards too, so she doesn't appear to be bothered by her tail. She is now napping on her bed by the heater :rofl:

From my quick google research, I found that they can get cold tail either by excessive exercise or being cramped up in a crate or something for too long? She didn't get much exercise yesterday and none today, she did however sit in the back of my car for a few hours at an obedience trial so maybe her tail didn't have enough room to stretch out, causing it to swell a bit being in the same bent position for a bit of time....

I'll just keep an eye on it :eek:

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Dion is a pure beagle and he's gotten "cold tail". There was a bit of swelling and his tail just wasn't the same.

After 3 days and his tail still hasn't improved, we brought him to the vet who said he might've injured it - maybe a door closed on it or someone pulled his tail - and gave him anti-biotics. She also cautioned us that his tail might have to be amputated (!!!!).

Thankfully, he was fine within a few days.

Edited by Arameya
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It's a really common labrador thing!

My own fault but I have two girls with it today. I let them off yesterday at the farm and they loved having a swim and a great run around. I dried them off as soon as we got back to the house but too slow, one had already started! Now both younger girls (swam far more thn the others!) have sad tails! It is certainly uncomfortable and sore but a day or two and things right themselves!

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It's a really common labrador thing!

My own fault but I have two girls with it today. I let them off yesterday at the farm and they loved having a swim and a great run around. I dried them off as soon as we got back to the house but too slow, one had already started! Now both younger girls (swam far more thn the others!) have sad tails! It is certainly uncomfortable and sore but a day or two and things right themselves!

:thumbsup: I've been talking to Ruby about her "sad looking tail" :p

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Yes very common in Labs, none of mine have suffered thankfully but I went to a show last year and met a Lab friend there and she had bathed her dogs the night before, dried them off and put them in the trailer and driven for a few hours to the show. Got the dogs out next morining and all had very sad tails, and she told me they had 'wet bottom' (like Koalas) from sitting too long when they hadnt dried their tails properly. It was about 2 - 3 days befor ethose dogs could lift thier tails.

Looked very uncomfortable and of course unusual for a Lab not to wag the tail

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