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Separation Anxiety

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Hey All.

I have feeling Boss is going to get Separation Anxiety now that he is a only dog. My reason being on the weekend we had family friends over my mum and dad were home and even I was home 90% of the time so he had plenty of people to play with him etc but he just wasn't interested. But for that 10% I wasn't Boss would cry and howl at the front door for 10 minutes then just lay down and wait for me to get home.

And every morning he will howl at the gate and he has NEVER done this before.

Will he get Separation Anxiety?? Is there something I can do now before it gets worse?

ETA: We went to the beach on sunday and he was the naughtiest I have ever seen him. He ignored me the hole time pretty much usually he would run off pee on this pee on that then I would call him and he would run over to me. But yesterday he was just more interested in peeing on everything he wasn't even interested in playing with other dogs. he was interested in this one dog but thats caused he wanted to fight him :banghead: it got that bad I ended up putting him back on his lead.

Edited by ridgeback-lover
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Sorry to read you lost Bella.... ;) :p ;)

Dogs grieve over a lost "companion" just as humans do...you need to give Boss time to deal with his grief the only way he knows how, but you still need to keep the boundaries you have always had..

Dont be surprised if he isnt interested in playing with you or anyone else or even other dogs, he is missing his mate very much....

If Boss is used to having a companion around and now not having her is a big adjustment for him....

I strongly suggest you get a behaviourist in to help you with exercises to help reduce Boss's frustration, loneliness and anxiety/stress he is probably suffering...It is not uncommon for dogs to develop seperation related behaviours when one of the dogs in the house dies or moves to a new home...

Good Luck

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