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Weird Eating Habit


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When my 9yr old GSD eats he picks up large mouthfulls of dry food, carries it to his bed (single bed size foam mattress), drops the whole mouthfull of food on the bed and eats it there. When he finishes the first mouthfull he returns to his bowl and continues the ritual of shifting his food for the whole meal. I've put his bowl on his bed and he still fills his mouth up with food and drops it on the bed and eats it off the bed. If I feed him outside he will take the food out of the bowl and drop it on the ground before eating it. I'm not worried about the behaviour, just curious as to why he would eat this way :happydance2:

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I am wondering what his food bowl is made of and perhaps he does not like the smell or feel of it. Has he always done this or is it just with his current bowl?

He has been like this on and off all his life. He did it more often when he was seriously ill with pneumonia three years ago suffering severe appetite loss. I asked the vet (specialist) at the time if his eating habbit was connected to his illness, and he said he didn't think so. He's had the same bowl since he was a pup, although we have tried different bowls and that didn't seem to make any difference either ;)

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Is your GSD your only dog?

Dion used to do that before we adopted Zac. He would take all day to eat his food (if he could... if not, he'll take 15minutes, which was our time limit for him).

As you described, he'll take a mouthful and go elsewhere to eat it at a leisurely pace (usually just 5 steps away), and then come back for more.

However, ever since we got Zac he became more guarded with his food bowl and wouldn't leave it alone.

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Is your GSD your only dog?

Dion used to do that before we adopted Zac. He would take all day to eat his food (if he could... if not, he'll take 15minutes, which was our time limit for him).

As you described, he'll take a mouthful and go elsewhere to eat it at a leisurely pace (usually just 5 steps away), and then come back for more.

However, ever since we got Zac he became more guarded with his food bowl and wouldn't leave it alone.

He's actually one of three, the other two eat in their crate's (my boy is arthritic and finds it difficult to eat/sleep in a crate), so there's no competition for his food. His bowl is plastic and the other two have metal bowls so I've swapped with them to see if it makes any difference - it doesn't.

Persephone he is a VERY slow and careful eater. One of my other dog's is a Goldie and he IS a hoover (hence the need to crate him when he eats). Interestingly my third dog is a 10mth old female GSD who is also a slow and careful eater. She is very curious about my male GSD's eating habit and watches the whole ritual with great interest :rofl: I just hope she doesn't learn from him and copy his eating style.

Is it just coincidence or is this more common is GSD's? I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be a Goldie out there that would take so much care when eating :eek:

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My dog does this too! But only if its just me and my OH at home. If we have company he woofs it down from the bowl, and wont leave even a tiny peice left, weird. (As if he thinks our guests will steel his food.. ? :) ) If its just us he carfully takes it out mouthfull at a time and takes it back over to his blanket, and will leave a small mouthfull (say 6 or so peices of kibble) in the bowl, 'just in case'

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My dog does this too! But only if its just me and my OH at home. If we have company he woofs it down from the bowl, and wont leave even a tiny peice left, weird. (As if he thinks our guests will steel his food.. ? :thumbsup: ) If its just us he carfully takes it out mouthfull at a time and takes it back over to his blanket, and will leave a small mouthfull (say 6 or so peices of kibble) in the bowl, 'just in case'

:p :love: Mine wouldn't be game to leave any 'cause he knows the other two will soon "clean" his bowl. At least I now know mine isn't the only dog with this strange way of eating :eek:

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My papillon does this. Always has. He'll grab a mouthful of food take it to the carpet and spit it all out then eat it one by one. Drives me nuts.

Well it's not just GSD's then :mad

I'm still open to suggestions as to why some dogs eat this way :laugh:

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