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LOL....the dangers of posting after three glasses of wine on a Saturday evening.

Oh dear...I had a person at agility tell me (totally unsolicited btw) that I was teaching my dog to eat from my crotch because my treat bag was sitting on my hip. :hug:

I burst out laughing - it was just too odd a statement to take seriously. There is always one but yours sounds like a right charmer. :love:

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... I was teaching my dog to eat from my crotch

Wow ..... that would be an interesting concept :love:.

Good for you for getting out and having a go, LC. You'll find the 'nasty types' wherever you go (struck them enough in the horseworld - although as per an earlier comment here, I tended to find them more often in the show ring rather than in dressage/eventing). Look at it this way (I do)..... For dogs the basis of aggression always has a basis of fear to it. Likewise I think that's the case with many people. Perhaps she actually recognised 'competition' in you or perhaps she feels inadequate in her own capabilities so likes to make herself feel better by stomping on newbies. She's the one with the problem, not you. You're right to shrug it off.

Good luck for your next one. Take the good bits out of the one you just did to know where you're doing right and take the not so good bits to understand what you need to work on. It's always a work in progress :hug:.

Edited by Erny
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Well done for having a go but if your dog is not stable in its stays then it really isn't fair to the other competitors. Judges are allowed to do a second stay if things like that happen, so I probably wouldn't be impressed either if the judge decided not to.

A lot of the triallers on here will also don't do the stay part if they have failed the heeling part.

A stay incident like this could stuff a sensitive dog up for months btw.

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Sorry forgot to say we were in CCD.

The nasty person told me that I should have slapped her around before going in the ring so she'd listen to me and that i clearly have absolutely no idea what the hell i am doing because i sucked! For the drop stay Charlotte broke (rolled on her side) and apparently it was my fault for making her dog get up and start going over to her and not to mention sniffing and licking a Boxer on the head. Lucky the Boxer didnt get up. I watched this person in the ring and yeah she was fairly good but her scores werent that great. She said the judge in the first trial was a so and so (wont say exactly what she said as its quite colourful) for not allowing a second chance to get to do it again. um hello i am a newbie and i knew immediately we stuffed it when Charlotte broke the drop stay.

Vent over feeling better.

I am entered in one October 4 not sure if that is too soon or not but oh well we will see :driving: Despite this person making it difficult for several people at the trial, i havent been turned off.

Ok dont laugh at us but scores were 48 and 23 :driving:

Gee that person does indeed take it so seriously, but good on you for standing up and put that person in their place! I don't think I could ever do that! But it a shame that things like that happens instead of supporting those who are new to trialling and help them out every step of the way like they do at Obedience Clubs.

I think the score of 48 wasn't too bad, I would've taken that as a compliment and it shows you are half way there! That is definitely respectable and something to be proud of at your first trial! It could've been worse and have both scores in the 20's!

I can't wait to see more news from you and I'll be cheering when you get your first pass! :p

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Sorry forgot to say we were in CCD.

The nasty person told me that I should have slapped her around before going in the ring so she'd listen to me and that i clearly have absolutely no idea what the hell i am doing because i sucked! For the drop stay Charlotte broke (rolled on her side) and apparently it was my fault for making her dog get up and start going over to her and not to mention sniffing and licking a Boxer on the head. Lucky the Boxer didnt get up. I watched this person in the ring and yeah she was fairly good but her scores werent that great. She said the judge in the first trial was a so and so (wont say exactly what she said as its quite colourful) for not allowing a second chance to get to do it again. um hello i am a newbie and i knew immediately we stuffed it when Charlotte broke the drop stay.

Vent over feeling better.

I am entered in one October 4 not sure if that is too soon or not but oh well we will see :driving: Despite this person making it difficult for several people at the trial, i havent been turned off.

Ok dont laugh at us but scores were 48 and 23 :driving:

Nasty people have to put others down so they can cover their weaknesses & feel important. Congrats on your first trial, you'll be out there leaving the meany in your wake in no time :p.

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Well done for having a go but if your dog is not stable in its stays then it really isn't fair to the other competitors. Judges are allowed to do a second stay if things like that happen, so I probably wouldn't be impressed either if the judge decided not to.

A lot of the triallers on here will also don't do the stay part if they have failed the heeling part.

A stay incident like this could stuff a sensitive dog up for months btw.

This I completely understand if your dog gets up and stands over another or gets in its face, it isn't fair, but LC's dog simply rolled onto its side. A dog next to Ruby was rolling around on its back having a good back scratch in the down stays once and I thought it would be bad luck if it caused Ruby to break but just something we need to proof further (for those who know Ruby, it is a miracle she didn't see that as an invite to play and actually stayed put! :p)

Edited by RubyStar
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Yes she simply rolled on her side, didnt get up or sniff another dog.

ETA: That dog who got up was not the dog next to her it was 2 dogs down and after everyone had already walked away from their dogs and a while after Charlotte had rolled so I fail to see how its my problem. I only partly agree with what you are saying Jules. Charlotte is normally very consistent with her stays has rarely broken a stay but being her first time in the ring i am guessing its the reason she broke the stays as it is NOT like her at all.

Edited by LucyCharzie
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Tell the nasty lady to bugger off!

Well done one your first trials. Okay so you didn't pass, but hey neither did I in my first ever trial either. Looking back my dog should bever have been entered.

I also fail to see how your dog laying flat would be an excuse for her dog to get up. Fooey to her. I think that maybe she thinks that anything her dog messes up will always be someone elses fault!

We did a stay in a mock trial yesterday and the dog next to mind decided to get up and was about a step away from her as he wanted to play, he got grabbed in time, she was reminded to stay - good proofing I think.

If my dog was pounced on or menaced by another dog then yeh I would get cranky, as anyone would have the right too, but I have seen people try and convince the judge that a dog moving up to 5 dogs away was the reason for their dog failing. Training I say!

Good luck :dunce:

The 4th of October sounds great, something to train towards, and I am sure you will both improve greatly as you know what you need to do now.

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Are FOO's sessions over for the year now?

I am waiting for news, Natsu_chan posted in the CCD Trialling topic I did that they were finalizing the plans for FOO and it was going to start in October.

So I am still waiting on that to start doing some mock trials in preparation for Bella's first trial in November.

Lucy, what club do you train at if any? Any chance you're considering the Southern Obedience Dog Club trial in November? lol If so, are you willing to be patience with my very distracted and off-with-the-fairies GSP? :dunce:

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Oooh I might have to try to enter Southern, try to get that last CD. is it a double?


I read this and I am under the impression it just a single trial and is on 14th of November, but should be good! I've been thinking about the FOO's trial in November as well! :dunce:

SODC has a member's testing day next Sunday and I've had Bella entered for this (She is in the class where task are very similar to CCD). I've also entered my Min Pin Clancy as well (Mind you he is only 5 months old, and only had 3 days of training all together), but he is in for the experience and his chance to embarrass me! :o

Edited by Tambaqui
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