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Litters Due In November 2009

Bilbo Baggins

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Just took this one of Lizzy a few minutes ago. She looks lots bigger than she did this morning. I don't think she will last another 8 days but I sure hope she does.


Poor Lizzy, such a big belly for such a little girl. I hope they stay put until due Andisa :hug:

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Just measured her, she's 79cm around the middle! :laugh: (That's only 20cm less than me and I'm fat!!!!!!! :0)


Just measured Mouse and she is 68cm, on day 47 (due 30th not 28th sorry).

2 days before she was mated she was 14.8kg and now she's 17.2kg I think I'm starting to stress :rofl:

I think Koda will win - but not by much!

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awwwww poor Mouse. i can just imagine her fat as. where photos of her pleaseeeeeeee

Just measured her, she's 79cm around the middle! :laugh: (That's only 20cm less than me and I'm fat!!!!!!! :0)


Just measured Mouse and she is 68cm, on day 47 (due 30th not 28th sorry).

2 days before she was mated she was 14.8kg and now she's 17.2kg I think I'm starting to stress :rofl:

I think Koda will win - but not by much!

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Hi All,

Just got back from a 5 day holdiday, it was bliss :rofl:

Congrats to everyone who has had there babies, gorgeous pics of them all.

Picked my dogs up from my cousins tonight and OMG :laugh: Storm's belly is almost on the ground and Scarlets rib cage is massive.

I think Koda is going to beat Storm in numbers :laugh: I have her booked in on Monday (only day cool enough to travel) to see the vet. Not sure if he will do an xray as he is leaning to do a c-section on her as she had trouble last time. Will know more after vet check.

Everyones pregger girls are looking devine.

Will try and get pics of the girls tomorrow, it is just so hot here :) that they don't want to do anything but sleep infront of the aircon.


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Well *I* think your girls will all beat Koda easily!! THANK GOODNESS!!!!! :thumbsup:

The first thing my vet said when he saw me after doing Koda's films yesterday was "you wouldn't think that getting decent xrays of a belly that big would be so damned difficult!" :thumbsup:

Turns out that although Koda was a very patient angel, she is carrying a lot of fluid and having a full bowel didn't help visibility much either. So........the count is a definite six but because of the clouding on the film, they said they wouldn't rule out the possibility of a couple more tucked away.

We had a long chat about logistics and timing and have decided that after measuring her pelvis and looking at puppy size, we will monitor her and let her go into labour naturally.

If I am at ALL concerned, I'm to ring immediately when I am leaving home and they will meet me at the surgery any time of the day or night. If there is any discolouration of fluid, we'll be heading off immediately due to the risk of placental detachment and meconium aspiration and if she strains for as little as 15 minutes with no puppy presenting, we're off to the surgery as well. Normally it would be an hour, but with the drive to get to the more local practice it would add up to a little over an hour anyway and either they'll have to go straight in when we get to the surgery OR the puppy will arrive on the way and then they'll monitor the rest of the whelping at the surgery themselves. So...one way or another, pretty much all contingencies are covered so I'm going to go and set up the second puppy palace and start taking temps on Monday (she'll be 53 days).

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I'm so glad for you Ellz, as well as Koda.

Poor girl. She looks so round.

Good luck either way the whelping goes, I'm sure you'll keep us updated. :thumbsup:

Thanks. I'm somewhat relieved. Still a little concerned obviously because they were very LARGE areas of shadow/fluid etc and could be covering a multitude of "sins" (ie puppies) but at least I know to expect 6 and to watch her carefullly after that. And of course, even more relieved to have a concrete "game plan" set down for the whelping.

Six is a very reasonable number of terrorists to deal with and will still give me plenty to choose from when it comes time to decide what is staying! :(

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Well *I* think your girls will all beat Koda easily!! THANK GOODNESS!!!!! :thumbsup:

Turns out that although Koda was a very patient angel, she is carrying a lot of fluid and having a full bowel didn't help visibility much either. So........the count is a definite six but because of the clouding on the film, they said they wouldn't rule out the possibility of a couple more tucked away.

SIX! SIX! All that drama for SIX! SIX! :(:laugh: :laugh: :rofl: :rofl:

What's she having - six dane babies :rofl:

Hope it is only a couple more, and all goes well.

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Well *I* think your girls will all beat Koda easily!! THANK GOODNESS!!!!! :thumbsup:

Turns out that although Koda was a very patient angel, she is carrying a lot of fluid and having a full bowel didn't help visibility much either. So........the count is a definite six but because of the clouding on the film, they said they wouldn't rule out the possibility of a couple more tucked away.

SIX! SIX! All that drama for SIX! SIX! :(:laugh: :laugh: :rofl: :rofl:

What's she having - six dane babies ;)

Hope it is only a couple more, and all goes well.

:rofl: Well they didn't LOOK like dane skeletons but who knows! :)

Still, I'm happy with six, especially at this time of the year and with the forecast we've had for summer. Tassie houses aren't exactly designed to be cool in summer I'm afraid! :)

AND given that I still have the two Yanklets as well and a little voice keeps whispering in the back of my head that both will possibly be staying here! :D

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Thanks. I'm somewhat relieved. Still a little concerned obviously because they were very LARGE areas of shadow/fluid etc and could be covering a multitude of "sins" (ie puppies) but at least I know to expect 6 and to watch her carefullly after that. And of course, even more relieved to have a concrete "game plan" set down for the whelping.

Six is a very reasonable number of terrorists to deal with and will still give me plenty to choose from when it comes time to decide what is staying

You are getting off way to easy. There has to be a least 3 more hiding :laugh:

I measured Storm and she is 79 1/2cm, hopefully all fluid like Koda :( Storm has 9 days to go :thumbsup:

Scarlet is 72cm and her ribs are 74cm :laugh: think she is still holding a few up high. She was 6 weeks yesterday.


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Thanks. I'm somewhat relieved. Still a little concerned obviously because they were very LARGE areas of shadow/fluid etc and could be covering a multitude of "sins" (ie puppies) but at least I know to expect 6 and to watch her carefullly after that. And of course, even more relieved to have a concrete "game plan" set down for the whelping.

Six is a very reasonable number of terrorists to deal with and will still give me plenty to choose from when it comes time to decide what is staying

You are getting off way to easy. There has to be a least 3 more hiding :laugh:

:( You're just jealous because it's now YOU who has the cast of millions!! :thumbsup:

Besides, I've still got my Yanklets to contend with and they're probably more work because of the grooming, snood training etc! :laugh:

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Besides, I've still got my Yanklets to contend with and they're probably more work because of the grooming, snood training etc

Would rather have a dozen sweet Yanks than a couple of terrorising Staffords :thumbsup:

ps still have a few snoods left over from the Bassets :(


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Besides, I've still got my Yanklets to contend with and they're probably more work because of the grooming, snood training etc

Would rather have a dozen sweet Yanks than a couple of terrorising Staffords :thumbsup:

ps still have a few snoods left over from the Bassets :laugh:


Sweet like this you mean? :(


PS. What kinda snoods and how much d'you want for them? :laugh:

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wow six with that huge belly. six would be nice and good luck with them and the rest that were probly hiding lol

I'm so glad for you Ellz, as well as Koda.

Poor girl. She looks so round.

Good luck either way the whelping goes, I'm sure you'll keep us updated. :thumbsup:

Thanks. I'm somewhat relieved. Still a little concerned obviously because they were very LARGE areas of shadow/fluid etc and could be covering a multitude of "sins" (ie puppies) but at least I know to expect 6 and to watch her carefullly after that. And of course, even more relieved to have a concrete "game plan" set down for the whelping.

Six is a very reasonable number of terrorists to deal with and will still give me plenty to choose from when it comes time to decide what is staying! :)

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