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Litters Due In November 2009

Bilbo Baggins

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Any guesses for how many Lizzy may have? 1st litter - 3 matings. Due on the 19th. Photo above.

6 :nahnah:

Hmmm...well here is Koda at 49 days. Lousy photo but the best I could do by myself outside just now.....she still doesn't stay still even with a pumpkin in her belly! :eek:



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Hmmm...well here is Koda at 49 days. Lousy photo but the best I could do by myself outside just now.....she still doesn't stay still even with a pumpkin in her belly! :eek:


:nahnah: :heart::heart::heart::crazy: :D :D ;) :rofl::eek::mad


Ellz!!!!! She is MASSIVE!!!!!

Looks like she ate a watermellon not a pumpkin :rofl:

ETA: I totally missed that!!!! day 49?!!!!!!

will you be doing a C-section? (sorry if you've stated this already)

Edited by Risyntira
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OMG Ellz. She is sooooooo full and i reckon 10.

Andisa i reckon 6 little cute puggies too and soooooo cant wait for piccys

Risyntira im just hoping she has more than her first litter of 2 with 1 getting stuck and dieing. anything above 2 i be happy with. she looks bigger than the photos and feels hard.


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:nahnah: :heart::heart::heart::crazy: :D :D ;) :rofl::eek::mad


Ellz!!!!! She is MASSIVE!!!!!

Looks like she ate a watermellon not a pumpkin :rofl:

ETA: I totally missed that!!!! day 49?!!!!!!

will you be doing a C-section? (sorry if you've stated this already)

AND she's a maiden and is the first maiden I've ever had who hasn't tried to hide things shyly away! :eek:

She's booked in for an xray tomorrow. Depending upon the count, she'll be booked in for a c-section. A bitch from the same lines had 11 a couple of weeks ago! :rofl:

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Ellz :

When your girl has 11 I'll send my OH to you he'd gladly take a couple off your hands! :eek:

I think she is VERY full, but for your sanity I hope she if carrying more fluid than pup. Can't wait to hear the results of the x-ray.


I think she'll have more for you, I'm still sticking with 5. was she this big last time?


Thank you (and apoligies as I missed your post before) I love the blues and knew it was only a 9% chance of getting blue, but getting two (one of each sex) was such a suprise :nahnah:

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Any guesses for how many Lizzy may have? 1st litter - 3 matings. Due on the 19th. Photo above.

*be kind* :)

eta: she is from a litter of only 3 so we expected the same from her. This has been a bit of a shock - didn't think such a little girl could get so big. Poor bugger looks at food like I am trying to punish her now.

For some reason I was looking for a rottie :hug: (shows how much sleep I have had!)

I will say 6. :)

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Ellz :

When your girl has 11 I'll send my OH to you he'd gladly take a couple off your hands! :)

I think she is VERY full, but for your sanity I hope she if carrying more fluid than pup. Can't wait to hear the results of the x-ray.

Yep, I think it's probably my sanity that I'm worrying about the most! :)

I keep looking on the bright side. If she DOES have a large litter (she's only got 8.5 boobs), then the Yank litter is only a month older and Vanni has plenty of milk so I can always see if she'll take a puppy or two occasionally for milk bar duties. Otherwise, I am probably lucky I got the tube feeding practice with little Purple Yank.

AND my Yank puppies will grow up with very thick skins! :hug:

Editing to add: At the ultrasound on Day 26, they said 5 - 6 maybe more and on her record, he put MULTIPLE +++. :eek:

Edited by ellz
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Heres Cassie at 53 days preggy. Have an xray next Thursday then possibibly babies Friday by c-sect. They due 22nd Nov



Mouse is bigger than that and she's not due until the 28th. I think Ellz and me might be having a competition :laugh:

Good luck with all the new borns and the not - yet - borns

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Go Mousey. I bet she has loads. Cassie looks bigger than the photos. hard to get a good photo to show her fat belly. Just wish they would hurry up.

Heres Cassie at 53 days preggy. Have an xray next Thursday then possibibly babies Friday by c-sect. They due 22nd Nov



Mouse is bigger than that and she's not due until the 28th. I think Ellz and me might be having a competition :laugh:

Good luck with all the new borns and the not - yet - borns

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:) Ellz I am sorry but unlucky for some....mainly you :rofl: I rekon 13

she has to be the biggest I have ever seen

hey do you rekon you could measure her tummy for us....just out of interest :laugh:

I've never had ANY breed this big either.

Just measured her, she's 79cm around the middle! ;) (That's only 20cm less than me and I'm fat!!!!!!! :0)

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For some reason I was looking for a rottie :rofl: (shows how much sleep I have had!)

I will say 6. :rofl:

:thumbsup: I thought someone would say that, I need to update my siggy. I tried to do it a while ago but stuffed it up, will ask someone to do it for me when I have some little puggies to add to it.

I am going for 6 too, will have to wait a bit longer to see what she has. Just hoping that every thing goes well.

She was 7.2kgs at mating and is now 9.4kgs. Lots of movement tonight, love feeling them move. Must admit I am finally getting excited now. :rofl:

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Beautiful babies AtoG and Risyntra, hope that all the Mums and bubs are going well.

Mollipop yes if you want to add a Frenchie to your family.

It is so damned hot here and more to come so there are dogs all lying over the tiles to keep cool, and the little ones are coping really well, airconditioner on for man and beast here, and the heating pad set on low for the babies to counteract the airconditioning, a fine balancing act.

Best of luck to all the expectant Mums, boy there are some terrific size bellies amongst the Staffies and poor Lizzy she reminds me of how Bridie looked this time last week, and she had eight babies. :)

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