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Litters Due In November 2009

Bilbo Baggins

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I'm looking forward to the xray on Friday, but dreading it just the same. What if there is something wrong and that is why she is so big?

Your just stressing now :mad

Koda is so big cause she has LOTS of bubbas in her :(


I know....I'm getting a bit toey. It's just so scary when every day I'm greeted by this amazing gutz that grows before my very eyes! :mad

I hope you're right about her having nothing wrong but lots of bubbas, but then on the other hand....oh BOY do I hope she doesn't have TOO many!!

Mind you, I think it's a darned good thing that I have cleared my books for the next few months and intended to spend summer at home anyway. No dog/horse/cat/child sitter in their right minds would babysit my crew at the moment so that I could go swanning off and enjoying myself. :)

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Thanks Leanne, enjoy your time away get plenty of rest as I am sure you are going to be needing it when your girls have their bubs.

:bottom: Fantastic SwaY your girl has done a great job and she did not disappoint you by giving you a choice of black boys.

Well done.

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Congratulations Sway. What a lovely Mumma to give you a choice in your black boys. :bottom: Those pics are so sweet.

Ellz, your girl is huge and obviously has a bundle of babies in there. Nothing wrong just lots. :bottom:

Am so looking forward to the Frenchie babies. How cute.

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Congratulations Sway 4 back boys to choose from, Hope mum and bubs are all doing well.

Mum and puppies here all going well.

Wow this is going to be a busy month --- Good luck to all of those with bitches still to whelp.

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:(:eek: AddictedtoGold on the arrival of your babies, sorry to hear about the three that did not make it :eek: but I am sure that the nine survivors are going to keep you and their Mum very busy.

No Frenchie babies yet, she ate some prime beef mince at 11 am, so I am assuming that we are not quite cooked, I am now hoping that she will hold on until tomorrow morning and then we will take her over for an elective c section as she will be day 61.

She is laying on the floor, very cool tiles, next to me right now, it is so damned hot here in Adelaide and another week of it to go. Thankfully we have tiles throughout the living area and the study, where we are now residing, I have wall to wall Frenchies laid out and also my Italian Greyhound who appears not to be bothered with the heat and wondering why she is getting the evil eye from the Frenchies when she wants to play :mad

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