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Agility Equipment


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I'm just starting out in agility with my Siberian Huskies and I'm trying to get some equipment together so we can practice at home. I'm after a see saw, the walk and an a frame. Is there anywhere in Victoria where I can get these or the plans so I can make them? Also any tips on teaching my fur kids how to get over these would be great as my local club doesnt teach agility.

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I'm just starting out in agility with my Siberian Huskies and I'm trying to get some equipment together so we can practice at home. I'm after a see saw, the walk and an a frame. Is there anywhere in Victoria where I can get these or the plans so I can make them? Also any tips on teaching my fur kids how to get over these would be great as my local club doesnt teach agility.

If you happen to be in the outer north suburbs then I run introduction to agility in our social classes. You are welcome to contact me if that is convenient for you.

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I'm just starting out in agility with my Siberian Huskies and I'm trying to get some equipment together so we can practice at home. I'm after a see saw, the walk and an a frame. Is there anywhere in Victoria where I can get these or the plans so I can make them? Also any tips on teaching my fur kids how to get over these would be great as my local club doesnt teach agility.

If you happen to be in the outer north suburbs then I run introduction to agility in our social classes. You are welcome to contact me if that is convenient for you.

I live in North East Victoria at Myrtleford I understand there are clubs that run agility classes near me but as I'm a shift worker I cant make week night classes :thumbsup:

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I made this see-saw plan its dead easy but you really need to secure the base cos it has a habit of coming apart.. Some good quality PVC pipe glue and a few screws outa do it and then you just need to paint it!!


Keep in mind the site is a US site.. so its all in inches!!

Good luck hope it helps!

Thanks smisch I'll give this a try as i made my tyre jump the same way :thumbsup:

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I'd be careful with the seesaw though. It is a scary piece of equipment for the dogs, and if not trained correctly and carefully your dog may get scared or injure itself. Also I'm not sure how sturdy that one is or how big your dog is. If your dog is big or heavy, it would be safer to get one that is properly made or at least a proper base.

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Maybe look up Foundation Training videos/dvds by people like Greg Derrett, Susan Garrett and Moe Strenfel - you won't regret it. I get so much from watching these over and over.

thanks any idea where i can get hold of these?

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I'd be careful with the seesaw though. It is a scary piece of equipment for the dogs, and if not trained correctly and carefully your dog may get scared or injure itself. Also I'm not sure how sturdy that one is or how big your dog is. If your dog is big or heavy, it would be safer to get one that is properly made or at least a proper base.

I was going to start them off very low at first working my way up to the proper height. They have both been on a see saw before and had no problem with it and it was a small fold up one. My kids are Siberian Huskies although my bitch is taller than my boy she is about 26 inches tall should be about 20 inches :o .

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Cathy Slot and Steve Drinkwater are based in SE Qld and stock these http://www.agilityclick.com/

Greg Derrett is coming to Australia in November too and there are places for auditors (watch and take notes) - it is in Sydney if you were super keen.

Funny, I have a rehomed collie who was a lunatic and we have been doing foundation agility and nothing else training wise for the last month. He made his debut last night at our club and all in all was a star. It was the first time he has gone anywhere without our other collie and he was sitting and following hand signals rather nicely. All on lead but we will get there.

The difference is that one year apart, I know so much more about training this dog compared to my other one - and you really don't want to have bad habits that you have to spend time fixing if you don't need to. I was ready to quit two months ago and gave it one last shot with going back and starting again - this difference is beyond belief. Also, if you are training alone, video yourself if you can - it makes and enormous difference.

Tell me about it! :laugh:

Edited by Mym
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Cathy Slot and Steve Drinkwater are based in SE Qld and stock these http://www.agilityclick.com/

Greg Derrett is coming to Australia in November too and there are places for auditors (watch and take notes) - it is in Sydney if you were super keen.

Funny, I have a rehomed collie who was a lunatic and we have been doing foundation agility and nothing else training wise for the last month. He made his debut last night at our club and all in all was a star. It was the first time he has gone anywhere without our other collie and he was sitting and following hand signals rather nicely. All on lead but we will get there.

The difference is that one year apart, I know so much more about training this dog compared to my other one - and you really don't want to have bad habits that you have to spend time fixing if you don't need to. I was ready to quit two months ago and gave it one last shot with going back and starting again - this difference is beyond belief. Also, if you are training alone, video yourself if you can - it makes and enormous difference.

Tell me about it! :laugh:

thanks Mym, over the last couple of months ive been training by myself and have finally got them to jump over the jumps without going through them and the tunnels were easy to teach them so now i'm trying the harder ones. i find it hard to find time to train the little darlings as they are very dependant on each other and there for cannot be left alone while i take the other one out unless there is someone home to look after the one left behind and as we are both shift workers we only have a couple of days a week when we are home together which is why i'm setting things up in my backyard. I've shown dogs for 30 odd years and this is my first go at agility so i'm off to the royal to watch the action dogs and hopfuly get some advice

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