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Need Advice On My Gsd


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I have posted this in the GSD thread as well but its a bit quiet in there atm, or maybe I am a thread killer lol.

My 3.5yo female GSD of late seems to have her left paw turned inward when she runs. Its not something I have really noticed until recently and was wondering if it could be diet related and is it fixable? Its not bothering her in the slightest and its only when she runs, standing it is straight.

She has a chicken carcass daily for breakfast, Royal Canin for dinner, sardines a few times a week, an egg weekly, vegies here and there and yoghurt occassionally. She tends to get a runny bum with lamb, I do give it but not often. She doesnt get a lot of beef either.

Is there something out of whack in her diet that may be causing it? Is it too much chicken bone and more meat needed?

Any advice is appreciated.

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  persephone said:
Hi- no idea really- but with a foot which is twisted-- could she be compensating for an injury somewhere else? using her foot this way to take the weight off something..or take MORE weight??

No I dont think so. If you werent looking you wouldnt really notice it I suppose. Its turning slightly right at the bottom of the ankle which is why I thought it may be diet related. Its like she is pigeon toed a little bit lol.

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  SarasMum said:
  persephone said:
Hi- no idea really- but with a foot which is twisted-- could she be compensating for an injury somewhere else? using her foot this way to take the weight off something..or take MORE weight??

No I dont think so. If you werent looking you wouldnt really notice it I suppose. Its turning slightly right at the bottom of the ankle which is why I thought it may be diet related. Its like she is pigeon toed a little bit lol.

If it's only one leg affected, I wouldn't suspect a dietary problem as a likely cause. I'd suspect some sort of trauma as being a more likely cause.

Can you post a photo?

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  Staranais said:
  SarasMum said:
  persephone said:
Hi- no idea really- but with a foot which is twisted-- could she be compensating for an injury somewhere else? using her foot this way to take the weight off something..or take MORE weight??

No I dont think so. If you werent looking you wouldnt really notice it I suppose. Its turning slightly right at the bottom of the ankle which is why I thought it may be diet related. Its like she is pigeon toed a little bit lol.

If it's only one leg affected, I wouldn't suspect a dietary problem as a likely cause. I'd suspect some sort of trauma as being a more likely cause.

Can you post a photo?

Yeah I will but have to head off to work now so it will be tomorrow I hope. Thanks.

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  Scales of Justice said:
Have you had her elbows x-rayed? She may be toeing in to relieve pressure around the elbow area.

No I havent. I have only recently noticed it and its not bad but I can see it. As she is a pet I wasnt concerned about getting her scores done so havent xrayed. She was desexed at 18 months.

I will try and get a pic tomorrow.

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I would also recommend getting her elbow, shoulder or even neck checked out. You could also have a good poke and prod of her foot and whole leg, shoulder and neck yourself to see if she has any sore bits.

The conditions you are thinking about that are diet related occur in much younger dogs who are still growing and feet usually point outwards like ballerinas. With your dog being 3.5 her bones, muscles and ligaments would have finished growing so unless seh has had the problem since puppyhood it wouldn't have just occured.

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  puggy_puggy said:
I would also recommend getting her elbow, shoulder or even neck checked out. You could also have a good poke and prod of her foot and whole leg, shoulder and neck yourself to see if she has any sore bits.

The conditions you are thinking about that are diet related occur in much younger dogs who are still growing and feet usually point outwards like ballerinas. With your dog being 3.5 her bones, muscles and ligaments would have finished growing so unless seh has had the problem since puppyhood it wouldn't have just occured.

I have prodded her a fair bit and she doesnt seem fazed at all by it and doesnt seem like she is in pain at all. Because it has been raining a bit lately I get her to lay down and I wipe her feet dry and most of her legs and bend and twist them to get the mud out and she doesnt even flinch.

I remember the day she got home when she was 8 weeks old, she went to walk up a step before we could stop her and she howled like she had hurt herself, it was only for a second but I wonder if she did some damage back then? We have tried to be really careful with her growth and its frustrating that something may have happened to her.

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Perhaps a good chiro or bowen therapist might be a good start if it doesn't seem to be causing pain? I'm not sure if its just the angle of the photo but is there a chance she could be a little overweight and thats making the issue more obvious?

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