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Possible Bowel Blockage And Surgery Any Experience Anyone


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I had the same with a CC bitch, she had not eaten in days, though and her intestines had something in them that the vet described as

Crunchy felt like potato chips or some Cockroaches! She lost 3 kilos over seven days and the vets gave her oils and tests and said they could find nothing, X ray was clear too.

After seven days they let me take her home, and said the blockage was not being felt so they assumed she had passed it!!, well she would not eat at home and wopuld vomit all the time, just bile and water.

It turns out she had consumed the elastic chicken roll wrapper that encases chicken family roasts, it came out alright at home eight days later, she must have swallowed it whole and kept swallowing, the vets were amazed, may be similar may be not, but in any case a warning to all.


Edit to say just read your update sounds just like mine MINE cost me $1100 vet fees plus the $12 for the roast, making it the most costlky meal I have ever had!


Glad to here all is ok



Edited by Wazzat Xolo
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Wazzat Xolo that is one frightening story. Mokha seems to be back to his normal self and I have my fingers crossed that all is well now. I am exhausted from checking on him every other minute to make sure he isnt up to no good. Mokha lost nearly a kilo in 24 hours from when he was first weighed at the vet. I don't know how much in total as he hadnt been weighed for about 7 weeks and has grown again.I hope you enjoyed that chicken dinner, it certainly cost you a lot.

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I share this very odd story with all as if it may save a dogs life its well worth it, I double bag all my rubbish but CCs are little terrors for food and old fatso will go and open the bin to get at stuff!

Good to hear Mokha is on the mend.

All the best with him.


Wazzat Xolo that is one frightening story. Mokha seems to be back to his normal self and I have my fingers crossed that all is well now. I am exhausted from checking on him every other minute to make sure he isnt up to no good. Mokha lost nearly a kilo in 24 hours from when he was first weighed at the vet. I don't know how much in total as he hadnt been weighed for about 7 weeks and has grown again.I hope you enjoyed that chicken dinner, it certainly cost you a lot.
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Thanks Wassat Xolo for your warm wishes for Mokha. Vet said today he had a lucky escape this time.Thankfully my labs have never bothered with the rubbish bin, I keep it up high. Mokha seems to have a taste for thing non edible. Why eat food scraps when you can chew a peg or hairbrush etc.

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