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Commercial Dog Foods


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I have a working Malinois who is very active. I have been feeding her raw and I am considering trying a commerical dog food. My questions are:

Is there a big difference in qualities of food?

What commercial foods have people found to be the best?

I have heard some people say that Bonnie Complete is as good as the premium foods that cost twice as much. I would appreciate peoples comments and opinions.

Many thanks.

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I feed mostly commercial food for convenience, plus some raw.

Yeah, poodles a bit different, but one is a standard and both active outdoorsy dogs.

It doesn't make sense to me that dry food is more nutritious than raw meaty bones, no matter how "premium" quality.

Perhaps do both some raw + some commercial food?

You could gradually introduce something like Bonnie Working Dog?

See how it agrees/ disagrees with your dog.

Might need to experiment a little.

Many premium brands offer a trial pack, though it wouldn't go far on a bigger dog.

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Perhaps do both some raw + some commercial food?

That's what I feed my malinois puppy, half raw and half commercial, she's also very active, and it seems to keep the weight on her OK so far.

If you just want to feed commercial food though, yes, there are big differences between good and crappy kibbles. Not sure if the super duper premium ones are always worth what you pay for them, but the supermarket brands are pretty much (IMO) junk food. I'd aim for something in between. :thumbsup:

You can also feed commercial but chuck her a few raw meaty bones or chunks of meat a few times a week to help with dental health. One of the biggest drawbacks to commercial foods is that most of them are pretty crappy for your dog's teeth.

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