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Toileting Issue


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Herbie, my 3yo pug, had never been perfect in terms of toilet training, but lately he seems to have his wired completely crossed.

when i let him inside, even alfter being out all day, and even if i leave the back door open (no dog door anymore and the saints fat head kept breaking it), he will poo inside.

it is as if he's outside saying 'come on mum, let me it, i really gotta go!!'

this behaviour coinsides with the baby getting more mobile, but wether it is the cause i don't know.

but i have to accept that this isn't so much as need to rehash his toilet training, as it is more a behavioual thing. especially lately, when he has toileted right in front of me several times (when he does i tell him off and put him outside again)

what kind of professional would be best suited to handle something like this? trainer, behaivourist ir Vetinary Behaivourist??

he has basically become an outside dog because of this, though he sleeps inside, he is out first thing in the morning and stay out intill i go to bed, if do let him in earlier then he poos and he goes back out.

i love my pug, but i really don't like him right now. :)

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Could he be feeling left out/shut out/outcast from the pack? Especially after a baby. Perhaps doing it inside is his way of trying to mark that he belongs. Maybe try giving him more attention and including him more in the family. Dogs can sense the hostility and he might feel insecure whether he actually belongs.

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  Willow said:
Dr Debbie Calnon, Veterinary Behaviourist :laugh:

i still have that in mind from the other night, but i wasn't sure about the whole phone consult thing after i thought about it a bit. she would only be able to go be my description of what is happening, and i may be way off.

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Guest Willow
  Crysti_Lei said:
  Willow said:
Dr Debbie Calnon, Veterinary Behaviourist :grouphug:

i still have that in mind from the other night, but i wasn't sure about the whole phone consult thing after i thought about it a bit. she would only be able to go be my description of what is happening, and i may be way off.

In that case, Dr Melissa Lindemann....she's Perth based :(

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I would see Kathy Koppellis McLeod. She is not a veterinary behaviourist but is very experienced. If you have a chat to her over the phone and she thinks you need a veterinary behvaiourist, i'm pretty sure she'll suggest you see Melissa or talk to Debbie. I'm not all that comfortable with phone consults to be honest- so often, you need to see whats happening and owners may misinterpret or miss certain signs.

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  Cosmolo said:
so often, you need to see whats happening and owners may misinterpret or miss certain signs.

thats my concern with a phone consult too. i have been very suprised my Herbies behavious in the past, so i don't trust myself to understand him so well anymore.

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