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Toilet Training Again For 20wk Old Pup?


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Hi everyone :cry:

I am currently having a problem with Electra and toileting :cry:

She needs to be crated for at least another week because of a avulsion tibial crest(fracture)

I have been taking her out to toilet every 1hr-1&1/2hrs, and most of the time she has a wee, BUT she is still weeing in the crate at least once a day.

During the night I have been taking her out at 9pm, 1.30pm, 3am and 6am.....but again she still wees in the crate sometimes at night too :o

I took her and a urine sample to the vet to have her checked for a UTI but he said it's all fine, though she does have vaginitis(sp?) and has given me Chlorhexidine scrub, to wash her outside 2-3 times a day, and Panolog ointment to put inside her vulva twice a day.

The vet told me that it's normal for puppies of her age to wee every 2 hours, but from reading on here I see so many have pups that go through the night with no problems.

I'm concerned that she is weeing in her bed(crate) and is not giving me any signals that she need to go :)

Is there anything I can do to actually teach her to hold on?

Does anyone have any ideas that may help?

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Whats her mobility like given the injury, is she able to navigate short distances on her own? The reason I ask is that you could attach a small pen around her crate, leave her crate door open and line it with newspaper so she can go to the toilet on that if she needs too.

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Hi pockets :cry:

Her mobility is actually really good, but the vet doesn't want her doing anything until I take her back in on Thursday for him to check her and possibly do xrays. I still have to carrier her outside :cry: even though all she wants to do is run around, do zoomies and rough & tumble with my other pup!

I have thought about putting a pen on her crate BUT for 1 it's in the lounge room(on carpet) and secondly I think all she may do is tear up the paper (in frustration & play)

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Hi kirty :cry:

It's is like an infection, just inside the vulva there was puss like stuff and the vet said that the area was inflamed/swollen.

I am hoping that this is the reason for the troubles, and that everything gets better as it's treated, BUT she does sometimes seem to hold on and do a huge wee, then other times she goes and then soils her crate within 1/2 an hour :cry:

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I thought it might be, but I'm at work and didn't want to google in case it came up with photos! LOL!

I imagine that would be quite irritating, so perhaps see how she goes once the infection is cleared up. Poor girl!

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Hi again Kirty :champagne:

I sure hope it is because of the vaginitis, she has just peed in her crate again after being outside for a good 10 minutes(and a pee) :champagne:

I am still worried that this may become ingrained that it's ok to pee where she sleeps though :champagne:

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raffikki i was thinking about this last night (sad i know) haha

and i thought what do you do with her after shes peed in the crate, does she get to come out?

she could be peeing in the crate on purpose because she relises she gets to be let out of it when she pees in there?

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Hi harlosmummy ;)

It might sound mean, but I only take her out to change the bedding and take her outside again to see if she needs to go more then put her back in.

I then wait for about 1/2 an hour before I take her out for cuddles/training etc

I've just had my trainer/behaviorist over again to help with her over excitement & to teach me how to reintroduce the 2 of them calmly/safely.

She thought it may be an affect form the Behave paste that I've been giving her.

She suggested not giving it to her for a few days and seeing if anything changes(as well as hoping for an improvement once the vaginitis clears up)

She is also going to ask a vet behaviorist about it to see if they can think of anything.

It's really getting to me, I'm feeling bad for her for having even a short time in there on wet bedding, plus I am stressing it may become habit :)

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dont worry about it to much, its probably just all the stress from her having to be crated and learning new behaviors and perhaps weeing helps the vaginitis feel better because apparently urine is an antiseptic.

for now just do what your doing stick it out, it would only be another week now yes?

and then once shes out of the crate and things are back to normal if theres still a problem deal with it then. :D

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Hi harlosmummy :p

Things are going pretty good, thanks for asking :party:

She has had dry nights since I last posted, so 3 nights :o

There has been a couple of accidents during the day, but I blame myself for not getting to her in time.

She is now allowed gentle exercise, so is out of the crate more, which is a whole other dilemma sometimes :D she is just so excited she sometimes loose control of herself, I call it feral, but she is getting better.

I took these pics on Tuesday.....

enjoying the sun outside :D


watching the birds in the trees


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OMGG shes is so beautiful!! more pictures! they are the cutest puppies with beautiful colourings, i can imagine they would be alot of work though!

thats good that shes 3 dry nights :o not much longer now. Harlo is getting her desexing stitches out tomorrow thank god the last 2 weeks trying to keep her contained have seen broken blinds,broken dog kennels, poo flinged all over the house, and her learnign how to scream haha

here are some pictures of her, i think she looks like an Amstaff even though shes supposed to be a bull terrier cross boxer



Harlo about to jump on the couch when shes not allowed!


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She is now allowed gentle exercise, so is out of the crate more, which is a whole other dilemma sometimes she is just so excited she sometimes loose control of herself, I call it feral, but she is getting better.

When she is better Raffikki I recommend you research a Y fronted harness if you're going to be walking her in one long term. The style of harness she's wearing in those shots will restrict her shoulder movement and could have a long term impact on her development. :o

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Thanks poodlefan, the one she is wearing in the pics is new and I've only just started using it. I didn't even think of it to impact on her development.

It's the first time I'd even seen a harness like it, the trainer/behaviourist that came over had them and told me it should help with her pulling on the lead when she's so excited.

I am hoping she'll settle down quickly, and I'm working on that, and be back to just the flat collar.

I will look at the ones you suggested as the last thing I want to do is hurt her :rofl:

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harlosmummy, the 3 dry nights were great, but I was up at midnight, 3am and again at 6am :rofl:

Harlo looks gorgeous :rofl: (and cheeky), and I'm of the same opinion as you, can't really see any bull terrier in her, and to my untrained eye not much boxer either!

It sounds like you had your hands full the last couple of weeks, I'm feeling pretty lucky, but still have a couple to go :rofl:

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Hi again harlosmummy :rofl:

There has only been one accident, at night, a couple of nights ago but I totally blame myself!

She had a huge drink only an hour before we went to bed and I set my alarm too late :)

I'm still getting up at 12.30am, 3.30am and 6am though :)

She's out of the crate most of the day now, whole other story.

Can't take my eyes off her or she's chewing pillows, jumping on the couch and doing zoomies, and she pees so often I swear she must have a bladder the size of a thimble!

She has 2 more weeks of gentle exercise and then her & Rhino can finally play together :(

Unfortunately because I have to keep them separate(except for night time when they're quiet), I have to be with her the whole time cause I haven't got anywhere safe and non destructible for her.

She loves her cuddles at night by the heater


They were actually snoozing like this :) , she only woke as I was taking the pic


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I have thought about putting a pen on her crate BUT for 1 it's in the lounge room(on carpet) and secondly I think all she may do is tear up the paper (in frustration & play)

If you decide to pen her try a tarp under the pen to protect the carpet, If she tears up newpaper you could use old towels or dry bed instead, or otherwise the cot/bassinet matress protectors that you can buy from Target and Big W are fantastic (and cheap too) :happydance2:

Hope all is going well now :cheers:

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