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For Anyone Wanting A See-saw Plan


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I kid you not I made this with only the help of my mother who drilled the holes cos I am terrified of touching my stepdads tools on the offchance I break it lol

See Saw Plan

The only issue with the design is you need to be able to make sure it is all well stabalised I had an issue after it was first made of the joins all coming apart.. a little PVC glue helped it alot!! I Also had to paint to wood with a textured paint I made myself.. Riversand and Just your general paint that can be used outdoors.. lol I just so happened to have a few shades of blue and a rejected pot of textured hahaha!

Hope it helps you out and I'll post some photos of my own when its light!

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THanks for this!!!

Training last Wed my dog flew up a see-saw and flew off the other end! We had been training at the same place with a lower more solid one and I didn't expect this one to be so different. Either did he unfortunately so I asked him on and ran him up and down, without getting off on either end. I rewarded him for each slam of the see-saw but he still thought getting off once was a better idea.

So I was just saying that a see-saw was something you wouldn't make easily. A classmate has made one similar to yours but now you have given me the plans. My classmate said for big dogs maybe not but I have toy/mini. Thanks, I will get to it.

You didn'y use carpet as they did? More paint and sand?

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I used paint and Sand I have never seen a carpeted see-saw In the ring.. I would think in teh case of larger dogs simply make the lengths of pipe larger.. I only have a little dog so he doesn't need a jumbo size see-saw its perfect to train on!

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Well done! I'm hoping to make one of these at some point. I've got a plan from a Yahoo agility group that I want to try, it's all made of wood (most 2 by 4s) and you can adjust the height/angle of the plank for training puppies on. Just have to save up for the timber. Your design looks cheaper and easier to build, though!

Would love to see photos of your see-saw. :cry:

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