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Crying When In The Car

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Thanks for all the replies :confused:

I dont think Bella gets car sick....it just sounds like she is crying...in saying that my OH put her up the back (people mover) with our 3 year old and he said she didnt make a sound.... could she maybe hate sitting up front??

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Hi, my 2 year old Maltese cries and barks in the car, it's enough for "ME" to jump out of the car window.

We have tried everything under the sun and he still doesn't like the car very much. He has his highs and lows. However, when we travel back him, he is very quiet and only barks when he knows we are around the corner from home.

We've treated him in the back (obviously when he isn't barking), i've taken him to doggy play dates, to the vet etc, still a very vocal dog.

I'm even thinking about trying to muzzle him to see if that helps.

Her sister, she is perfect in the car, just curls up and sleeps. I am still working on him before I put the two in the car together.

Any other suggestions would be great, as I will be taking him to classes on Monday nights for 6 weeks, I cannot stand his high pitch barks in the car. :rofl:

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My AST pup, Rhino, used to be unbearable in the car, he cried/"talked"/moaned every time. He did it cause he was excited too.

I found going for drives, without actually going anywhere, has helped a fair bit. That way he doesn't expect anything exciting each time we set off.

He has improved, still talks, but at a more acceptable volume than before :wink:

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My GSD is like this also, which is not uncommon so I had never thought to do anything much about it. When my daughter was born I had some reason to change it so I thought I would start by not letting her OUT of the car if she was whining (which was when it was worst anyway). I discovered it was really easy to get her to stop whining loudly, but really difficult to stop that quiet "whistling" they do. It's almost cute though so I've compromised on that.

The next step was to get her to stop whining before I would open the back door. Now I'm working on not getting out of the car myself if she is whining. Next will be not turning the car off... you can probably see where I'm going with this.

If her whining while travelling was really bad I would probably tackle it more directly, maybe get my wife to drive while I sit in the back and teach a shush cue but I'm happy that I've knocked off the worst of it for now.

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