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Vitamin E For Demodex Mange?

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Shyla has demodex mange on her muzzle, just a little area, and the vet was not worried at all but gave me Demadex to dilute and put on the site and over her body a bit once a week for 5 weeks, although he said it would probably cure itself but just to be extra careful to use the solution.

She HATED her muzzle being dabbed, glad thats over for this week!

I just looked up that Vitamin E can be good for treating Demodex @ 5 doses per day at 200 IU per dose. Anyone know if this helps? It can't hurt her can it? If not I'll give it a go if it may help!

He took me out the back to see the mite in the microscope, very interesting! He got a lousy scrape cos she struggled SO BAD and thought he would find none, but we saw one.

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Vitamin E was recommended by the natural therapy guys in Bathurst as a basic vitamin to help with skin and general well being.

The dose for a 7kg dog was a 100iu capsule daily. I have been giving it for 3 months now and the skin has definitely improved. I also give 1000mg capsule of fish oil daily.

The dog is in excellent condition now and has a lovely coat. The skin used to be dry and flakey but is now squeeky clean.

I would say that Vitamin E would not hurt your dog as long as the dose is correct and you should see benefits from it.

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Great! I just need to find out how much to give her, some site said 200IU 5 times a day but that is 1000 IU which sounds way excessive!! I'll keep researching

NRC 2006 guidelines for dogs suggest a "tentative" upper recommended limit of 75 IU vitamin E per kg of BW per day. So in other words for a 10kg dog, they suggest don't exceed 750 IU of vitamin E per day. For a 20kg dog, they suggest don't exceed 1500 IU per day.

They say there is little evidence of vitamin E toxicity in dogs, except that there is a chance that very high doses it might interfere with the absorption of vitamins D and K (which could affect calcium balance and blood clotting respectively), hence their recommended upper daily intake limit.

Hope that helps.

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