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Weird Behaviour


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Last night Trim went to go to my son's room to sleep & went beserk at the doorway. She was barking & growling like crazy & wouldn't go in. Lucky he is a sound sleeper :confused: .

I went in & sat n the bed & coaxed her in. She was very wary, scenting the air & obviously bothered by something.

I managed to get her to the bed but she was still carrying on a bit & seemed to be reacting to a shirt on the bed.

It was a hand-me-down shirt that friend's had given my son just yesterday.

Once I took the shirt off the bed, she was fine, curled straight up & went to sleep.

Surely there are different scents on our clothes all the time? Everything we buy would have someone elses scent wouldn't it? I wonder why she reacted so strongly to this one? She adores the people who gave it to him, it wasn't even a stranger's scent. I guess I will never know...

Edited by Vickie
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a shirt is a personal item, if it has been worn before it carries more intimate scents of the wearer. The dog could have been confused that maybe there was another 'person' in the room and panicked. Remember your son was asleep and in her eyes vulnerable.

Edited by Nekhbet
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a shirt is a personal item, if it has been worn before it carries more intimate scents of the wearer. The dog could have been confused that maybe there was another 'person' in the room and panicked. Remember your son was asleep and in her eyes vulnerable.

Thanks Nekhbet, I guess you are right, even though she knows the person it belonged to, it had been worn & it did indeed seem like she thought there was someone in his room.

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dogs rely on their noses first and then their sight (unless our habituation makes them lazy) hence why the reaction. If they went, like we do, on sight first she would have seen no one was there and not reacted.

if you get clothing like that again show it to her, especially if it is in the kids rooms, and let her discover that smell is now part of the environment, not just a 'visitor in the house' smell.

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