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My Bubby Has Severe Constipation


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Just called them. He is eating again and so far has kept it down. Has also been flirting shamelessly with the vets and vet nurse!!!!

They close at 8 so no one will be with him. They want him on the drip and that’s the only reason he is there really. I do agree it seems silly to keep him there now that I know, no one is there but am wondering if he needs the drip.

I can definitely crate him at home.

Mind you if he has recovered, no reason why he would need so many drips……….

Sorry guys I am thinking out loud!

Edited by Bub
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I'm sure you can 'force' him to drink chicken broth or something if he needs extra fluid.. :eek: ...you are a good cook! :):eek:

If there's no one there, he''s better off at home, definitely!! If he does get sick- then you are there with him, and can take him to an emergency vet!

he will be much happier with you ;)

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Maybe a drip was an overkill for constipation but the original post didn't mention that Bub was throwing up as well so certianly a drip in those circumstances may not have been overcautious.

Bub if little Bub is okay I would bring him home and watch him during the night, if he is not better in the morning take him back to the vets. It's horrible when they are sick, Onsy my male golden retriever woke me up a few months ago at 2 am because of similar problems but where I live there is no emergency vet nearby. I nursed him all night and gave him some things to get his bowel moving and he was fine, thank goodness. But we were both exhausted and didn't do much that day - lucky it was a Sunday.

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HE IS HOME!!!!! I scoured the yard for old bones. He was inside with daddy for a bit while I calmed his sister down and now they are snuggling together on the back porch!!!

I am so relieved!!!!!

geat to hear Bub!!!! :rofl: and :D

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that's great news about Bub and I hope he continues to improve.

as for tips, i don't really have any, i gave onsy some milk and some oil to see if things would get moving and they did. I also just laid with him on the bed stroking him and just trying to destress him. He was quite unwell and upset to the extent that he actually had come into the bedroom and woke me up to "tell" me. If we did have an emergency vet nearby I would have taken him. I also kept the side door open for him so he would have access to outside at all times and not stress about that.

by the next morning he was looking a bit better and had "movement". But he was still not his normal self for a couple of days so I kept him quietly and was going to take him to the vets but he improved dramatically.

As my pets' vet is over 100 kms away I do tend to not rush them there (unless of course it is an accident or they are very very ill) but keep an eye on them. .

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I know Bub is home and pooping free now, but I thought I might add my thoughts.

Respectfully to those that think otherwise, intravenous fluids are not overkill in treating an obstipated dogs with an entire colon full of bony poop. If I had a dog that was blocked up enough to be off it's food, I would recommend fluids and xrays too. A 24 hour period on fluids can make a significant difference to how much poop can be shifted - its much easier to remove hydrated bony poop from a rectum than concrete poop which is firmly adhered to the rectal mucosa. With the exception of the odd extra firm nuggety poo, or in cats, Microlax enemas are pretty useless when you have a dog literally full of poo.

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Thanks again for all the support guys!!!!

We all slept well last night (so well I could barely wake up).

I made Bubby take a nice mellow walk with me this morning but he really wanted his normal morning jog so I am taking it as a good sign (I didn’t let him jog though!)

He also enjoyed his chicken and vegetable soup very much and has kept it down (it is his prescribed diet by vet for the next week).

Vet was sooooo good to us and the bill was surprisingly not too bad which was a pleasant surprise!

Now I need some beauty treatments to make myself young again! I swear I have aged 20 yrs! :(

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