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Doggy Odour.


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Hi, I got an 8 week old corgi 3 days agoi. He's got a distinct doggy odour! :thumbsup: I bathed it but the smell does not go away. Could it be down to his diet? The breeder was feeding it

Breakfast: beef mince.

Lunch: Chicken wings and neck.

Dinner: Beef mince+Proplan puppy kibble.

I brought him to the vet at Lort Smith on the day I got him for a checkup and was advice to slowly change his diet to just kibble as raw was not healthy and wings and necks might be too hard on his teeth.

So now he's on

Breakfast: puppy mince+Eagle puppy kibble

Lunch: Eagle puppy kibble

Dinner: puppy mince+kibble

I'm slowly reducing the amount of mince based on what the vet told me.

I'm a bit confused as from what I read on this forum, raw should be a good source of food? :thumbsup:

Any advice or suggestions on what might be causing the odour would be welcome.

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It can take a while for the odour to go away from the previous diet. My 10 week old pup was a bit whiffy for about a week or so after she came home and went onto a better quality diet.

I'm also feeding Eagle Pack puppy, but she also gets bones of a morning before I go to work and if she's sitting in her crate for any period of time while I'm working my older dog. She has no trouble with a chicken wing and can finish one off in about 10 mins.

My 3.5 yo dog was raised with a bone every morning before I went to work as well and her teeth are immaculate. My vet always comments on how good her teeth are. I wouldn't do it any other way. :thumbsup:

I switched Darcy to full raw when she was about 15 months old - her black coat was brown and faded and she always had a bad dog odour. Now her coat is pitch black, shiny and she doesn't stink at all! Worth doing your research on though before switching a pup over. I do incorporate a little raw into my pup's diet but only because it encourages her to eat her meals rather than picking at it! :thumbsup:

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I brought him to the vet at Lort Smith on the day I got him for a checkup and was advice to slowly change his diet to just kibble as raw was not healthy and wings and necks might be too hard on his teeth.

Sorry but your vet dosent know what hes talking about a lot of vets know stuff all about feeding dogs The diet the breeder recomended is a good diet. I dont know why hes got an odour but the diet sounds perfect :thumbsup:

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I brought him to the vet at Lort Smith on the day I got him for a checkup and was advice to slowly change his diet to just kibble as raw was not healthy and wings and necks might be too hard on his teeth.

Sorry but your vet dosent know what hes talking about a lot of vets know stuff all about feeding dogs The diet the breeder recomended is a good diet. I dont know why hes got an odour but the diet sounds perfect :thumbsup:

Totally agree & you should have consulted with your breeder about changing & whether what you have changedto is suitable for your breed.

Did you buy what the vet recommended or sold??

Are you sure its an odour.have you owned dogs before??Some breeds do have more of a smell & no amount of washing will change it its just something that goes with that breed.

Did the vet say he smelt??

Does everyone else say he smells bearing in mind its winter & even the most cleanist dogs can smell dirty with wet feet & moist underbellies

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I brought him to the vet at Lort Smith on the day I got him for a checkup and was advice to slowly change his diet to just kibble as raw was not healthy and wings and necks might be too hard on his teeth.

Sorry but your vet dosent know what hes talking about a lot of vets know stuff all about feeding dogs The diet the breeder recomended is a good diet. I dont know why hes got an odour but the diet sounds perfect :thumbsup:

Totally agree & you should have consulted with your breeder about changing & whether what you have changedto is suitable for your breed.

Did you buy what the vet recommended or sold??

Are you sure its an odour.have you owned dogs before??Some breeds do have more of a smell & no amount of washing will change it its just something that goes with that breed.

Did the vet say he smelt??

Does everyone else say he smells bearing in mind its winter & even the most cleanist dogs can smell dirty with wet feet & moist underbellies

After reading, I think I might try a different vet in the future. Thank you so much. Keep the responses coming. :thumbsup:

Sett, breeder said it was up to me but to change it regularly. I might change it back to the breeders diet if it's in the puppy's best interest.

The vet did not said he smelt. It's the 1st time I owned my own dog I've played with friends and family member's pet dogs quite often.

What you said about the wet feet with it being winter makes perfect sense though. :cheer:

The vet suggested Hill Science kibble, but I had already bought Eagle.

Do you reckon I should consult another vet?

Edited by luffy4688
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If your breeder is a good one they will answer any question & may even now of good vets in your area.

Im not sure what you mean when they say change it regularly,most breeders have a basic diet that you will add to but not change quickly or dramactically as there ttummies are learning about new foods.

Smell your dogs feet .chances are there what stinks

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If your breeder is a good one they will answer any question & may even now of good vets in your area.

Im not sure what you mean when they say change it regularly,most breeders have a basic diet that you will add to but not change quickly or dramactically as there ttummies are learning about new foods.

Smell your dogs feet .chances are there what stinks

I'm sorry. I meant to say change it gradually. :laugh:

Breeder did recommend a vet or 2 but since it's a bit of a travel from my area, I'm looking at other options.

Alright, I'm off to smell his paws. Lol.

Edited by luffy4688
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