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Schutzhund - You Think It Is Only For Certain Breeds?


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:thumbsup: I liked the "bark and hold", how the JRT springs way clear off the ground. Gives the JRT an outlet to do what comes naturally to them.

I was watching the Judge's face - you could see he really enjoyed it and it must have been a holiday for the decoy.

What a great dog though, and how mentally stimulated and satisfied he must be. :thumbsup:

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Sorry - didn't realise it had done the traps. I don't remember having seen it before.

Don't worry, Erny - I'm sure lots of people haven't seen it, and for those of us who have, it's worth seeing again :thumbsup:

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Hey! The Decoy in this piccy has the same hair 'do' as the dog!!! Matching set :rofl:.

ETA : *cough* :laugh:. Oops .... re-read the "matching set" comment and realised ......... well - I was referring to the hair-do only.

Edited by Erny
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