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I don't know if one is better for trials, but I'm really unco so I prefer to do the left about turn where the dog goes behind you. I get the impression that some people may think it's a bit slack because my dog's only fairly small (17kg) but it works for us so :D :)

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I was taught originally with around the back for left about turns and did that for Darcy's CCD but will be switching to u-turns if I ever do Novice.

The handling system I use for agility doesn't allow the dog to cross behind you (blind cross) and I'd rather not run the risk of creating a conflict if I can help it. ;)

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I was taught originally with around the back for left about turns and did that for Darcy's CCD but will be switching to u-turns if I ever do Novice.

The handling system I use for agility doesn't allow the dog to cross behind you (blind cross) and I'd rather not run the risk of creating a conflict if I can help it. :happydance:

;) Me too. :winner: I like maintaining the connection with the dog. I do flip finishes too, for the same reason.

And it is a matter of good hind-end awareness as Cosmolo says.

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I was taught originally with around the back for left about turns and did that for Darcy's CCD but will be switching to u-turns if I ever do Novice.

The handling system I use for agility doesn't allow the dog to cross behind you (blind cross) and I'd rather not run the risk of creating a conflict if I can help it. :happydance:

;) Me too. :winner: I like maintaining the connection with the dog. I do flip finishes too, for the same reason.

And it is a matter of good hind-end awareness as Cosmolo says.

Can you elaborate on this please

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I prefer the u turn style about turn as well. But I do like the dogs to know both.

Not so much with Piper or Jazz but 1 of my first BCs used to drift out of position so it was good having him know both - if he was rushing which he tended to do in slow pace then the go behind the back worked better. My prefernce is always the u turn though, when they have good hind awareness it can look very flash. Piper is lovely at it - I can do 2 or 3 complete 360 degree pivots on the spot with her holding heel position through use of her hind end, looks flashy in heel work to music ;)

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I was taught originally with around the back for left about turns and did that for Darcy's CCD but will be switching to u-turns if I ever do Novice.

The handling system I use for agility doesn't allow the dog to cross behind you (blind cross) and I'd rather not run the risk of creating a conflict if I can help it. :cheer:

:winner: Me too. :happydance: I like maintaining the connection with the dog. I do flip finishes too, for the same reason.

And it is a matter of good hind-end awareness as Cosmolo says.

I'm doing the same thing Tassie, forgot about flip finishes. Amazing to see them get so good that they can walk their bum end around their front like that. Darcy also does it in the doorway of her crate though for some reason. ;)

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My old girl does the old left abouts where the dog goes behind me - all the red kids do the u left about turn.

Having trialled in other states there are certain judges who really dislike the flip finish and will dock you points no matter how well it is done. ;)

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I do the flip for left about turns with my latest bitch. I still use the "around the back" on my older dog though.

I find the later method can occasionally confuse the dog during a normal left turn (dog anticipates a left about turn). Its not a good look tripping over your dog in a trial lol.

Mercedes: Back end awareness is when the dog can maneouvre its back end while pivoting.

There is a good "how to" segment on it, on the Balabanov dvd "The Game".

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Have wondered about this myself. I ususally do U turns, but have been thinking about around the back LA turns as when I do the finish she goes around. Having said that she is very good at flipping her bum around and landing in line up position from just about anywhere.

I am also worried that we will both end up confused and she will try to do a behind the back LAturn when all I want to do is a left turn???

Now I am not sure what to do, flips and Uturns or behind the back finishes and finishes around there as well?

Is it to confusing for the dog to do Uturns, but around the back finishes?

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I am also worried that we will both end up confused and she will try to do a behind the back LAturn when all I want to do is a left turn???

finishes around there as well?

I've never had this become a problem. Daisy has never confused a LAT with a left turn. We also do the around the back finish, as she's just as unco as me when it comes to do the flip turn ;)

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At the moment I am doing U turns and around the back finishes, which I also did with my last dog, she was very good, I was the unco one with the problem most of the time.

I sometimes get a flip finish when I don't want it, but have never trained for it. I think I may keep on as I am ;)

I do think flip finishes look very snazzy though.

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Ruby was taught with the round the back LAT and around the back finishes. I've tried teaching her some back end awareness so I can better her flip finishes and do the U turn style LAT, but she's very unco with her back end! So we're sticking with what she knows and can do better.

As for Millie, she has some great backend awareness for me never having taught it to her, so she does flip finishes better than around the back, and she doesn't know the round the back LAT. Whenever I've tried showing her, she gets confused. So we're working on tidying up her U turn style LAT.

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Mine both have U-turn LAT but around the back finishes. I hadn't put an around the back finish on my youngster and was intending on doing a flip finish however for the very reason Ptolomy pointed out re judges penalising the flips and also a few others have said the around the back finish was better so I am doing that ;) .

Edited by ness
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Having trialled in other states there are certain judges who really dislike the flip finish and will dock you points no matter how well it is done

they just don't know real class when they see it

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In training I mix up the flip finishes, round the back finishes and return ,I find doing to many of the same finishes after a recall or retrieve a dog will start to anticipate the finish so by mixing it up it keeps them guessing and stops them doing it before the cue.

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In NZ we're only allowed to do around the back finishes and U turn LAT, anything else is a fault. My last boy had a lovely flip finish, and we never got to show it off in the ring! I wish they were more flexible over here, no idea why they're not. ;)

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