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Puppy Behaviour At Night Time


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I am new to these forums, and have an 11-week old boxer puppy Dougall.

He is very well behaved most of the time, but there are a few issues.

At night we shut him in the laundry which is where his bed is, along with food, water a nightlight and toys. He barks non-stop all night to come out. We thought this was natural at first but we have now had him 2 and a half weeks and it hasn't stopped We ignore him in the hopes that he will get the idea that this is his bed, but I am now getting a bit worried about it, not to mention he has scratched deep gouges into my walls in his efforts to climb out. He has also recently figured out how to break the baby gate containing him in this room down and does it several times a night. Funnily enough after he has set himself free he seems to stop barking, but I don't really want him free to run round the whole house while I am sleeping. I am reluctant to leave him outside all night as it is so cold, and we do not yet have a kennel for him. I had thought he just hated being alone but it seems he hates being in the laundry for some reason?!

My options are:

Let him have run of the whole house...although he will probably wreak havoc.

Put him outside...when we get a kennel for him, or should he be ok? I am also worried about him escaping from the backyard somehow. It seems secure but you never know.

Put him in our room...this is what he really wants but I am not keen as he can jump onto the bed himself and I don't want him on there! But it seems to make him very happy!!

Moving his 'area' to be the entrance hall which is outside our bedroom door...not sure about this one

Or any other suggestions?

I also wondered about those anti-bark collars that spray citronella...however I'd rather get to the root of the problem rather than just stop him barking.

The other problem we are having is with biting, which I know is normal for puppies. At the moment I am giving him a light smack and saying 'No' loudly but this seems to spur him on?! I'm not sure what the best approach to this is?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

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Laundries are heat sinks. He's probably cold in there.

Buy a sturdy crate and sleep him in a warmer part of the house. He could sleep in a room in your crate. No need for him to sleep outside at all then. :D

Edited by poodlefan
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oh yes the joys!

our little boxer x puppy did the exact same thing we set everything up for her in the laundry but she kept jumping over the gate etc! she would SCREAM the house down and wouldnt stop ALL night.

we gave in and let her sleep in a box that she couldnt get out of in our room, we said it would just be for the first week but guess whos got her own little bed in our room now! :D

Crating and keeping somewhere warm in the house is a good idea. If he still crys being away from you start him of in your bedroom and slowly move him out...He'll need to be somewhere close so you can hear him if he wakes up during the night and wants to go to the bathroom.

how long have you had him? perhaps hes still getting used to being away from his littermates.

p.s. dont give him the run of the house you'll wake up to lots of little messes EVERYWHERE! :)

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leave him in the laundry during the day and crate at night?

If you're out all day the puppy would be better off outside. Confining a young boxer puppy to a small room and a crate for most of the day isn't a good idea, he'll start tearing the place apart out of sheer boredom and frustration.

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yes he can, but wouldn't a crate inside be the same as a kennel outside...?

where would I put the crate if I had him inside?

I don't think that Cosmolo meant you should confine him to a kennel, the dog needs fresh air and room to play and explore, boxers are very active, boisterous pups with a real zest for life.

ETA put the crate next to your bed at night and once he's used to it and settled move it somewhere else if that's what you want.

Edited by Miranda
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Hi Teal,

We are new puppy owners too and I cant recommend crate training highly enough, it really is the perfect way to train your puppy.

Our boy cried for about 20 mins the first night and that was it, we had the crate in our room for about 5nights, then moved it back to its day position in the dining/living area. He usually sleeps without any crying or toilet accidents for about 8 hrs at night, then if we go out during the day (longest about 3hrs so far) we just pop him in with his wubba and kong, and water bowl. He is really happy in there and will often pop in there of his own free will during the day.

As I said we are only new puppy people (3 weeks today) and not at all experts but crate training is wonderful :rofl:

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My foster pups have a crate in my bedroom for night time (and when I'm not home)... they settle into them very quickly - especially if they can see you from the crate at night. Not had one pup yet who didn't get the idea within minutes once the lights were turned off... *grin*


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Hi Teal,

Congratulations on getting Dougall. I to am a boxer owner and they are high activity dogs who are very social. Its a great time to start teaching him. The crate idea is great and you can move it around. Make a secure area in your yard for him to stay during the day where he is warm and safe. He will need lots to do while he is alone and I certainly wouldnt give him run of the house!! Get into a puppy school or obedience program where you will get advice on all of those puppy issues. As far as the mouthing goes you will need to get that stopped. Smacking wont help it just encourages as it may be seen as attention to the behaviour. Mouthing is normal in a litter he just needs to know its not appropriate to do it to you or anyone else. There are many ways to manage it. Get some help with obedience, its worth it. They are wonderful dogs. There is a boxer thread on DOL if you are interested. Good luck with him and I am sure people would love to see photos.

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My little experence with boxers are limited to one boxer and that has only been for 4 weeks so far.

But we have a crate, divided it in two as its too big just now for her.

This crate moves with her.

If she is in the laundry every second business day, with the laudry door open to outside.

At night Boston sleeps in her crate in out bedroom. She cried the first 2 nights but had been fantastic ever since.

At first any wimper during the night we got up and put her outside for toilet.

We have got it down to 1 wake up during the night now.

She is now 12 weeks old.

I did take the first 5 days off after we got her. Built up alone time for her.

PLUS a big thing, i think helped was two rags i sent the week before i picked her up.

One, smelt of me- I had in the bed for a week - this went into the pup room.

Second, went to bitch's bed for the last week. When i picked Boston up i took the rag that was on her mums bed.

Bottom line get a crate and put in your room.

Ebay i got mine for under $90.

good luck


Oh another thing before going to bed for the night play play and play.

get them tired!

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To stop the biting, rather than NO, just yelp like a puppy would if you stood on its tail (even if it didn't hurt, you can use it to stop all mouthing on humans), then turn away and ignore Dougall for a few moments. When he you turn back, if he's biting again just do the same but walk away from him entirely.

We use a crate in the evenings. It sits against the wall near our bed where Pepper can see us. Didn't take Pepper too long to get used to the crate, and now we say "bedtime!" and when she's not being a stubborn teenager she hops in there quite eagerly. We needed the crate so that she didn't chase cats all night, and being a short coated breed, we didn't want her outside or in the laundry either (too cold)!

Our crate stays in the bedroom all the time. Pepper has the laundry with a dog door to the backyard all the time, and when we're home she is in whatever room we are in. There is a bed made up in the laundry for during the day (blankets and old pillows) since she doesn't always have access to our bedroom.

Yes, crates that fit a GSP and a boxer are big. Yes, they're quite unattractive. But they're worth it IMO!

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Yep i'm another one who loves crating puppies. They soon learn that its "their" place and will often automatically go there to sleep.

If you have it in you room he can continue to sleep in it as an adult rather than being outside alone.

All he wants is to be with his family and being alone in a laundry is not what he wants or needs.

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