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Staff Puppy Sick At The Last Minute...


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  lindadiosa said:
:D guys.. hope so...

I can't deny im feeling a bit dissapointed and sad but it's all for the best and there is not rush. ( i keep tellig myself!!)

All your comments and assistance have been great!! :rofl:

I feel so sad for you and I just looked at the photo. What a darling little girl. Must have broken your heart, but as the others have said . . . . .

Just for comparisons, have a look at the photos in this thread. Admittedly this little guy is a cross, but just posting this so you can see a healthy happy little pup of about the same age.


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You wouldn't guess it - but Bentley (my foster pup in the referenced thread above) actually had the sniffles when the first set of photos was taken - but at around 8 weeks of age, he weighed in at 3.87 kgs! Not a skinny or sickly puppy by any stretch of the imagination!

I'd definitely be very leery of anyone calling themselves a breeder that will want to meet prospective buyers in a park (or carpark) - the least they could have done was bring the dam or sire along for you to have a vague idea what that pup should grow up to look like.

The pup in your photos doesn't look like any well bred Staffy that I've ever seen - or even like the crossbred pup I am fostering (and I've also seen HIS dam - a crossbred AmStaff by the looks of her).

Good decision to walk away from this one lindadiosa... I'm sure you will find the puppy of your dreams soon enough - good things come to those who wait as they say... *grin*


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  lindadiosa said:
I guess that's what got me. All the pictures of puppies at her age way off of what she looked like on the day.

And the doubts were always there but our eagerness got the best of us.

Bentley is one beautiful boy!!

If you are after a staffordshire puppy, ask the breeders and other people in the stafford thread, they may be able to assist you and point you in the right direction of current litters around that are ethical breeders. stafford thread

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Maybe I'm a ratbag, but I also think it would be good to refer the breeder in question to this thread. It may be painful, but I think when people get refusals, it's good for them to understand why.

I also do $100 deposits . . . but not puppy shows in a park. I will refund the deposit if the buyer gives good cause for their change of mind. I pocket it if the puppy buyer is mucking me around . . . eg, changed their mind and didn't bother to tell me until week seven or eight.

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Not all breeders listed on the dol ads are reliable, I am aware of one breeder who has a very interesting background story. So please do not assume this website is any safer from any other, your always going to find some bad apples in a bunch of good ones no matter how much you try to fish them out.

I think you made the right choice also on withdrawing, that puppy looked nothing like a sbt and did look sickly. I also cannot believe the breeder risked taking the pups to a public park area, too risky at that age, what about the fear stage? And not even considering taking the parents makes it even more questionable, I would've wanted to have met the parents at the same time..

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  kyliegirl said:
I think you made the right choice also on withdrawing, that puppy looked nothing like a sbt and did look sickly. I also cannot believe the breeder risked taking the pups to a public park area, too risky at that age, what about the fear stage? And not even considering taking the parents makes it even more questionable, I would've wanted to have met the parents at the same time..

The first fear stage doesn't occur until 12-16 weeks...

When we bought Daisy the breeder met us in a town park. It wasn't because she was dodgy, but because she was several hours drive away and had two puppy buyers from Brissy so she offered to met us half way (about 3-4 hours drive one way for us). She bought a couple of her adult dogs with her. In this instance, it wasn't dodgy, but the OP's example would definitely have alarm bells ringing for me :confused: I hope she finds a pup from a reputable breeder soon :whisper:

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Here is me holding Poppy at 7 weeks. Its a similarly posed picture.

I agree with what everyone else has said, good decision on withdrawing your deposit.

I'm sure the breeders on here will be happy to recommend someone for you :confused:


Edited by GotAnyBlacker
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Thanks for that picture.

Its the colour we are after too. I'll use it for reference cos that is exactly what we want to get.

I have contacted about 50 breeders so far. Few have gotten back to me and it's amazing how everybody knows eachother. I have received good comments and really bad recommendations too which is great because we have been looking long enough now and we won't be bitten twice as they say.

please :eek: for us so we can find her soon but if not, I'm not going to rush perfection!!

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