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Scared Puppy


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I am in a bit of a bind. I have a almost 7 months old GSD puppy who seems to be terrified of being told off when inside. If I even slightly raise my voice around him when he is inside he cowers and pees himself constantly till he can escape outside. Even if I just say no in a growly voice. This doesn't happen when we are outside and he seems a lot more confident outside.

I really need some advice as it is making it unpleasant for both of us when he is inside as he is scared and I am frustrated as it means I am constantly mopping the floor.

If anyone has any advice I would really appreciate it. What can I do to help him not be afraid of being inside.

At the moment I am trying to leave the external door open so that he has an escape route and trying to keep it really calm inside. I do admit that I slide and do raise my voice if he is doing something naughty.

Thanks in advance.


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Shelley - why are you telling the dog off exactly - when you say "naughty things" what does that constitute (everyone has different ideas on this)? Sounds to me like you are taking it too far and frightening the dog.

Is the dog housetrained? How did you or have you tried to housetrain the dog?

Sorry this is a double post I have answered all of this in the first post. He is not being told off as such a small correction for nipping or barging and the weeing starts. I have now starting bringing him in on the lead and the peeing has stopped. So it is something in the house that is scaring him and not me. Check out the other thread. Thanks for the advice though.

I have organised for a trainer to come to my house in 10 days for a consult so hopefully that will make a difference and we can figure out what is wrong and scary indoors for him.

He was fully toilet trained before we had to move out of our house and into my parents for 7 weeks where he wasn't allowed inside much only to go to his crate.

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