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Does anyone know of the whereabouts of Liz Franks?

She used to work out of the Vets near the Zoo doing Trigger Point Therapy, but for some reason no-one at the clinic can seem to get in touch with her.

If she isn't practicing anymore, can anyone recommend anyone else in Perth who does TPT?



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Guest Willow

I've never heard of trigger point therapy, what does it involve? (I may know it by a different name, so might be able to point you in the right direction)

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Myotherapy - is probably the other name used.

It a practice used for locating Myofascial tigger points and dealing with referred pain. Basically with each injury that a dog (also used in horses and people) there is usually a deeper reaction to muscles located in a different area to the inital trauma/impact, then over time it never fully repairs and can impair movement and function.

This kind of therapy involves locating pain points, use of needles (as with acupuncture) and allows for release of associated muscles and with the follow up of certain massage therapies and mobilsation of limbs whilst also using heat, it helps repair any areas of concern

I have had it done for a few different cases. The most impressive one was a show bitch that seemed to have a 'hitch' gait on her hindleg, with no pain, xrays shown no trauma/injury, anti-inflammorties had no affect. It was intermittent.....always making it more frustrating. After a visit to Liz Franks, assessment and four weeks of followup treatment, both at home and in clinic....PERFECT gait!! :D It was referred pain from higher in the hindleg, with an injury possibly incured as a youngster. Never had a problem since.

There are alot of supportive therapies out there. I have found the perfect one that suits me and my team...but alas now cannot find another practising therapist..hence my topic enquiry :)

Edited by memyselfNi
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  • 2 weeks later...

Last I heard Liz Franks was seeing occasional patients through Andrew Buchannan at Mill Point Vet practice. You might contact him to try and learn her whereabouts.

I recently sold a pup to an nice English physio who does myotherapy on humans. She might be willing to try a dog patient. She's NOR -- I think Hillarys . . . PM me if you want a contact.

Edited by sandgrubber
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I used to go to Liz with my Kelpie, however got sick of trying to get time off to go and see her (it was a bit of a hike!) so tried Bowen Therapy and have had as good a results with my girl as I did with Acupuncture if not better :love: Added benefit was that it costs less... well, it does if I don't also get myself, and a couple of horses done as well :laugh:

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Liz is not practicing at the moment. She is unwell.

Is she who you referred me to a few months back, or someone else? Hope she's ok.

No - most of us are now taking our dogs to have accupuncture with Deb Nook. She is brilliant :thumbsup:

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Does anyone know of the whereabouts of Liz Franks?

She used to work out of the Vets near the Zoo doing Trigger Point Therapy, but for some reason no-one at the clinic can seem to get in touch with her.

If she isn't practicing anymore, can anyone recommend anyone else in Perth who does TPT?



She has been very unwell and is slowly getting back into seeing patients. Millpoint Vet is moving to new premises so you'll need to contact them.

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