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Rescue Remedy


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Ok. I figure if a dog is 'throwing themselves around' ..and digging, bouncing..they may do damage...

have you tried the behave paste yet?

I probably should have put the roll eyes emotion thingy next to what the vet said...I too believe she could hurt herself!

I gave her 1ml this morning of the BEHAVE paste, I'm not sure how long it takes to "kick" in, but from what the vet said I should give it to her every 24hrs

I agree with persephone, you maybe need a sedative to help calm your pup for the next few days, although if your pup is toileting every time you take her outside, maybe take her more often?

Call your vet, sound confident and assertive while you ask for something, rather than ask for the vets opinion. Heck, when my old Goldie had a bleeding tail, even the vet then gave me something for the dog to settle him for a few days to see if the tail would heal (he kept wagging it and pulling the dressing off).

I'm going to have to insist.

I just took her outside to toilet after dinner, over the past week she's ben really good, not distracted at all. Wees as soon as I put her down, then poohs when I take her to her "special place" for them.

Tonight she was all over the place and I was struggling to keep her quiet. She was wanting to jump forward & up, pulling on the lead like a draft horse, and I couldn't even get her to toilet at all :rolleyes:

Will be trying again in a few minutes.

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