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Changing My Bitches Diet


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Hi everyone,

I am wanting to change my bitches diet to more raw meats.

She will be getting a cup or two of dry food in the mornings, mixed in with some eggs, milk or a bit of canned food. I know most of you don't agree with canned food, but it will just be for the taste.

I am looking into giving her 2 chicken wings, handful of beef mince, cup of veges and a heart or something along those lines for dinner time.

Would you say this is suitable considering she will be getting dry food also? And do you think it will be enough for a year old English Point?

She gets bones twice a week and horse hooves twice a week. Both of which she just lovesss!

Any suggestions or comments would help me a lot!

Thanks!! :rofl:

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canned food is mostly water, cereals and meat ... things :p seriously its a waste of money and creates a rather distinctive aroma :)

instead of beef mince get offal and carcass mince mixed together so its more balanced between the calcium in the bones and the phosphorous in meat. Also raw meaty bones like chicken carcass, rabbit, lamb flaps, beef neck/spine/ribs are good too :)

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I have tried that.

A BC breeder recommended that to me.

She ate it the first few times, but has since given up.

She is very fussy and I know she just adores the canned food (even if she only gets a little bit) and the milk, and god does she love going feral in the backyard with her raw meat. LOL.

I am getting a rescue dog within the week, so hopefully he might help her out with the eating issue. Apparently he is a guts.

So if all works out, the canned food and milk can easily be knocked out by this rescue boy. :)

I'm going to go to bed- have an operation tomorrow morning.

But will check back tomorrow!

Thanks for all your help!

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