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Training Collars.


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Hi, I'm getting a Welsh Pembroke Corgi in 2 weeks. It will b 8 weeks old when I get it and I plan to train it straight away.

I've been reading a bit about using training collars.

I need a bit of advice on the what are the differences between a pinch collar and a choke collar. Is it good to use them etc etc.

It'll be use for obedience training only and it will be removed during all other times. :thumbsup:

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For a tiny puppy, just use a plain flat collar.

Dog/puppy training is all about "reading" your dog..its body language etc.. and knowing when and how to implement your commands :thumbsup:

No collar can really help YOU with learning how to do this.

A puppy's neck is tiny and fraglie- you do not want to be using any form of 'correction' collar!

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Find a puppy class, it is an excellent way to provide socialisation with other puppies, people and a new place and your instructor will show you how to train some basic things. Your local vet or obedience club are the first places to look.

Socialisation is vitally important and the hands-on instruction will be beneficial in getting you off on the right foot. It is very rare to see anyone use a correction collar on a puppy these days, even amongst trainers who do use them with adult dogs. You need to build your relationship and teach pup how to "learn to earn". You may even find you never use a correction collar, this is becoming increasingly common.

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Persephone is right - for a little puppy, please just use a flat collar. If you train him right from the start, you may never need to use a correction collar, since he won't have established any bad habits that you need to correct.

I'd do some googling on "clicker training", it's a popular style of training which is very well suited to little puppies, and also agree with Aidan's recommendation to find a good puppy class.

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puppies never need more then a flat collar. They do not have the muscles to cope with a correction from one of those collars and they are unneccesary for a dog of that age.

you can teach any breed to walk on a flat collar and even introduce little tugs to get the puppy to follow or stop pulling.

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