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Anesthesia And Older Dogs


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Yeah you had me worried when you said 'cosmetic', lumps are mostly better gone if they keep growing they can cause big problems and tumors can vary in grades between benign and malignant so I certainly wouldn't call it cosmetic surgery in any way shape or form, more like 'preventative surgery'.

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Glad to here all is okay and I totally understand everything you have just been through. I have just been through the same thing, my boy was 14. He had to have his skin cancers removed for the second time, spend alot of time on DOL talking it through with very supportive members. They gave me the courage to have it done, especially when you here of a 19 year old having eye surgery!!

I had reservations about doing it as well, but glad I did it now. He may live a bit or long time but either way he has had as many lumps removed as they could find and did he teeth while he was under. His quality of life is improved, so for me that out weights the risks. I may have to consider this again in the future but if you trust your vets and have a good discussion about the pre blood works, drip before and during and what they use,then the chances are as good as any of us going under when we are the same age.

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^^ Wow, 14. He's doing well. 14 is a good age for any breed i think.

The breeder wasn't impressed with me getting the op done. Said it was too risky.

I actually didn't have any pre op blood tests done either as the results wouldn't be back that day.

Sometimes you have to trust your vets ability and take their advice over others.

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^^ Wow, 14. He's doing well. 14 is a good age for any breed i think.

The breeder wasn't impressed with me getting the op done. Said it was too risky.

I actually didn't have any pre op blood tests done either as the results wouldn't be back that day.

Sometimes you have to trust your vets ability and take their advice over others.

This made me smile. And while in most situations like yours, pre bloods would have been more ideal, but just wanted to say I think your vet would really appreciate that. Sounds like you have a good relationship and I can only hope that most of our soon to be new clients will think of us the same ;)

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