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Permanent Adelaide Meets 2011


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That's Ok - she can eat Earl if he keeps getting me up at 5 o'clock in the morning :) and then taking himself back to bed for a couple more hours snoozing :mad:curtsey:

J/K - she'd choke on the excess skin :heart:

Pele, the "Goddess" just does NOT do mornings at all :sleep: The only way that I get her out of bed is to turn the front hose on, then she can't help herself, she races out to "attack" it :sleep: Even as a puppy she wouldn't get out of bed until what she considered was a civilized hour - usually about 8am :wave:

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Pele, the "Goddess" just does NOT do mornings at all :curtsey: The only way that I get her out of bed is to turn the front hose on, then she can't help herself, she races out to "attack" it :heart: Even as a puppy she wouldn't get out of bed until what she considered was a civilized hour - usually about 8am :sleep:

Pele and Pete. Similar names. Completely different personalities. He grills me in the mornings with a nice wet nose prod if I sleep in 'too long' (i.e. 8am) and he is terrified of the hose!! :sleep:

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Earl is quite interested in food - any food - any time - any place - he is getting better but with the ammount he is eating I am amazed he can find any more room in his tummy :curtsey:

Hopefully he works out soon that mornings don't start till at least 6 - preferably later on weekends.

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Is Earl short for Early Bird

:eek: I hope not - I have just got my son to sleep a bit later in the mornings :scared: Only took 11 years :eek:

When he discovers girls and late nights you'll never get him out of bed in the mornings :cheer::rofl:

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Not sure where your getting 39 for Sunday from the BOM website have Sunday's forecast at 33 and for information sake Saturdays forecast at 36.

Oh good! I was looking on weather.com.au - they are sometimes a little slow to update.

Sorry to have lead you all astray...

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