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Pus In Urine

Mez'n Lola

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Last night I noticed a little splodge of pus next to a wee puddle my 12 week old puppy did on the floor.

A couple of times prior I saw small white foamy mass floating in one of her wee puddles (which I thought was just bubbles??)

Now I'm beginning to wonder if she has developed a urinary tract infection.

Anyway, seeing as it is Sunday, and just quickly before I call my Vet out of hours, .. how urgent is it that she sees a vet. Is it urgent enough to call the vet in on a Sunday, or can it wait until Monday morning?

I think I'll leave this post here for an hour before I call the vet and see what some of you with this type of experience think.

Pls note; she doesn't seem to be experiencing any pain.. and she's a sook... if it hurt, she'd be carrying on.

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She could have an Urinary tract infection...or she could have vaginitis. which does occur with pups around this age..and clears with the first season... some vets recommend treatment- some don't.

A vet visit will be a good idea- to find out exactly what is going on.

If she is happy, not urinating excessively, and eating/drinking.. bathe the area in warm salty water, and make an app't for tomorrow.

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If she seems well in herself I would probably wait till Monday.

Thank you. That eases my mind.

She seems perfectly well. She's still running around like mad chewing everything in sight and barking and anything that moves so... she seems perfectly normal. :rolleyes:

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She could have an Urinary tract infection...or she could have vaginitis. which does occur with pups around this age..and clears with the first season... some vets recommend treatment- some don't.

A vet visit will be a good idea- to find out exactly what is going on.

If she is happy, not urinating excessively, and eating/drinking.. bathe the area in warm salty water, and make an app't for tomorrow.

Sounds like good advise to me.. thanks.

I'll start bathing the area now. And I'll definately be taking her to the vet tomorrow, no question there. I love this little girl.

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If it's smelly pus I would take her to the vet now.

If it is a yellowy discharge which stays around on her vulva then it sounds like vaginitis which as Persephone said will clear with her first season, but will (should) also clear once she's spayed - whichever is first.

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If it's smelly pus I would take her to the vet now.

If it is a yellowy discharge which stays around on her vulva then it sounds like vaginitis which as Persephone said will clear with her first season, but will (should) also clear once she's spayed - whichever is first.

Not smell. I bathed her with a saline I made up myself of boiled water and salt, then applied with cotton balls (usual thing).

Have had a lesson of female dog anatomy today. LOL

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