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Grooming Question


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My clipper hand is itching uncontrolably!

I am having visions of a number 10 blade all over and a couple of dog coats. I just couldn't stand my dog to look like that!

:hitself: I had the same itch when I seen the picture!! Just wanted to see them rid off all the dreadys and see thier eyes!!

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Well today is TGIF in more ways than one. The oodles are gone !! I think Archie is secretly pleased as well, even though he was the garbage guts that gobbled up their left over food and wrestled with one of them.

I took the poor pooches back to their house - my Mum is staying at brother's tonight and the family gets back tomorrow. :hug::)

Brother rang last night to see how they were getting on - he was at a pay phone so I chose not to bring the issue up then, I just left them ... and now I will spend the weekend getting stinkiness out of the house.

Rommimum, I know what you mean ! I gave the really matted one some attention and a good pat yesterday (I must admit I didn't give them many cuddles at all, they just don't appeal to me, esp in that state) ... he is a real sook and loved the attention - but my god, the matting. I briefly thought, what would it be like if I got the scissors out and just snipped a few out ? But of course I didn't.....

ETA: as well as the coat issues, we have a new found love for our little fur boy Archie, who's only 4 months. Don't hear this very often re a lab, but he is just SO SENSIBLE compared to them. I would not call myself a master trainer by any stretch but it makes me feel so glad that we've invested the time and effort in working with him on training and socialisation etc.

Edited by mrs tornsocks
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Oh the poor babys, I hope you can get a chance to chat to your Bro and SIL when they get home about getting thier coats some attention, they must be very uncomfortable, and there is probly matts in areas that you wouldnt imagine!!

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Undoubtedly, they'd have poo stuck to the fur on their bottoms- like dags on sheep.

Am sure this didn't make them smell any better :eek:

The family can use the money u saved them on kennels to have them groomed :hug: .

Vet expenses for skin/fungal/ parasites are even more expensive.

I'd expect $75+ per dog, depending where they live.

Some groomers don't even do big dogs due to lifting involved.

Both are probably going to need a shave off- think sheared sheep.

It's both too time-consuming and cruel to get that kind of matting off a dog any other way.

They have to go very short to get under the matts.

Owners will be horrified as it's not a good look, but at least they have a chance to start again. if they have any skin trouble under that fur, it'll also be visible ;)

A good groomer can advise of what sort of brush and comb to get to make it easier to manage.

Having neglected my standard poodle for a fortnight- it took about an hour to brush him out (no actual matts- but tangled).

Family could use scissors on small matts- but they really need to brush and comb.

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Nothing a 10 blade wouldn't fix.

As a groomer I get sooooo angry with alot of Oddle owners that think because they have spend $thousands on purchasing these mutts, that they can just expect their coats not to matt.

GAWD what do they really expect ????????

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