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Grooming Question


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Jesus, they are a mess.

I can see clear mats on the topline of the dog in the foreground. :) His coat is felted and cording.

That's a clip off to the skin job, not a "groom". :D I shudder to think of what their other ends look like. What are their ears like?

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Jesus, they are a mess.

I can see clear mats on the topline of the dog in the foreground. :love: His coat is felted and cording.

That's a clip off to the skin job, not a "groom". :) I shudder to think of what their other ends look like. What are their ears like?

I told you !

The dog in the foreground is a nightmare, as I mentioned, His back half kind of gets skinnier if that makes sense because his fur is matted etc.

Sorry i can't explain that properly due to my novice status, but he has also had some skin irritation at the back which does not help.

Don't know about ears, I'll take a closer look.

This is what I mean about the SIL (to be fair to the bro, she is the 'decider' :D on these things and also does not work, with an 12yo at school) so probably has more time to devote ---- if they were that concerned about how they looked upon return, why would they look like this in thefirst place ?

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Looking at those pics I would be so tempted to get them clipped :D I know it might not be the right thing to do without asking but then again you know your brother and would have a general idea when it comes to he would be annoyed about - it's not like they are strangers dogs.

How uncomfortable must they be with all those matts :) look at the poor little guy at the bottom of the screen with all the matts on his back :love:

Sometimes it's not intentional neglect, some dogs owners just do not know any better. I'm sure they love their dogs and are just a bit ignorant about grooming.

ETA: Is there any way you can call your brother and ask if you could take the dogs to the groomer?

Edited by huski
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but he has also had some skin irritation at the back which does not help.

That is probably because moisture has been trapped next to the skin, when dogs are allowed to become so unkempt they never dry out properly which can cause skin infections and a strong odour. Those dogs need a LOT of work and as soon as possible.

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Thanks all, perhaps we'll just 'live with them' for a few days.

Here's Archie and the doodles, Archie is already plum tuckered from all the play, we need to force him to take his time out.....


:D I agree with Husky, is there any way you could call your brother and see if you can get them clipped, maybe tell a little furfy and say they rolled in something disgusting and they need to be done!!

As Poodlefan said the matting is clearly visiable, under thier ears would be a night mare not to mention between thier toes around thier back ends and other problem areas. A groomer would not even look at trying to get the matts out, more than likely clip them down to the skin!! I know a lot of people with these types of dogs and they love the long look but dont take into consideration the care factor for the dog, how uncomfortable they must be, also they both look to be matted badly around their faces either side of thier noses, not to mention they cant see!!

Also as Miranda said the skin irritation is probly due to no air getting under where the fur is matted. I hope you can help them it may be a reality check for your SIL when they get home but if they looked after them in the first place you wouldnt have even started this thread.

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I also meant to say that Archie looks very tired!! He is a cute boy!!

Another thing is the smell would definalty be due to the matts and what is caught in them and the facial matts would have horrible food smells in them. Generally these dogs dont have a strong doggy odour!

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I'm at times not particularly sensitive and I think if someone handed me over a dog to mind that was unwashed and smelly I probably would have said "Uh didn't get time to wash them?? Groomers on strike?"

It's only a few more days, I understand the dislike of grubby dogs in the house...

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Eekk Mrs Tornsocks, don't envy you one bit having those two at your place. I still have a set of clippers from when I was doing grooming and just looking at those pics. my fingers are itching to get at them :D

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Those sort of dogs have got nightmare coats for ordinary pet owners.I met one down the park yesterday and the owner was saying he should take his dog to a groomer but carnt afford it.Hes been brushing it himself but the dog was still matted.I dont think he realised when he got the pup what a lot of work these crosses are coatwise.His dog was OTT hyper as well.

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:D those poor dogs. It can't be good for the skin under that fur

maybe you can show them a pic of TLC's dog ( if she doesn't mind ) and suggest that there's could look just as good with a little care and attention.

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Looking at the photos i would budget for $100 plus.

Unless you are happy to pay that money & not get it back i would simply tell your brother that you dont mind house sitting BUT they must be clean & preferably knot free.

With the kennels we havea form that the owners sign & it has a section about coat condition & what action/s will/may be taken.

Some oodle coats just brush out even though they look a mess,others its a clip off ,either way your brother & his wife need to hear what the groomer says themselves

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I can't contact bro and family, they are bush where mobile access is nil.

I spoke to my Mum though, she agreed, the older one in particular is a mess - she doesn't think they'll mind but when I told her the approximate price, she didn't think I should shoulder that financial burden. Her suggestion was to maybe just wash them ourselves to get rid of the stink - realise it won't address the matting issue - and she offered to come and help.

Otherwise, she suggested we get the bad one done professionally.

Agree Lowenhart, they came over last week to make sure they got on okay with our pup and she said 'oh we've flea-ed them', like it was some miracle they weren't coming to us with fleas. Unfortunately I picked them up last night myself after they had left so didn't have a chance to give them the saracastic comment in passing.

I think one of the reasons they don't get them done professionally is that SIL is, shall we say, a spendthrift. Example, she rang me before they were going away and said 'do you know a good kennel ?' ... knowing full well we'd never sent our pup to a kennel and our previous pup had only ever been minded by his breeder. So it was a not-very-veiled attempt at askig if we'd mind them. Plus she's a know it all; one of those people that if you've done/met someone, she's got one better. Yet she keeps her house and dogs in a shambles. Sorry, family vent over ....

thank you so much everyone for the advice, we'll keep you posted !

paganman, one of these is a little manic as well. I have decided tomorrow, I am going to drop them off at their own house as me and OH are out for the day and I don't want Archie to be run ragged outside with the monsters. That will be one less day they have to be stinking the house.

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i'd maybe not bath them as this will only embed the matts further and you will have a heck of a job to get the dog dry.

Reckon I'd just leave them and give the rellies a firm lecture when they come home. Maybe offer to take them to the groomer as long as the rellies pay.

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Sounds like you have everything under control and I guess at the end of the day they arent your dogs and to shoulder the cost of the grooming should not be your problem. Just so you know if you do decide to bath them yourself, the matts they already have will become much worse once the water hits them, so if they have any down to the skin already you may have to split them with the scissors to prevent the matts pulling on the skin.

Sounds like your SIL got on board with the "labradoodle" craze not knowing how much time is needed (training, grooming etc) with these particular crosses. Good luck.

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The dogs do look neglected and your brother and SIL can't have groomed them since they got them. I really think you need to tell them straight to attend to their dogs needs. They certainly don't look like well loved dogs. All sorts of dirt and toxins are festering in those coats.

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The dogs do look neglected and your brother and SIL can't have groomed them since they got them. I really think you need to tell them straight to attend to their dogs needs. They certainly don't look like well loved dogs. All sorts of dirt and toxins are festering in those coats.


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Guest Pandii
:hitself: those poor dogs. It can't be good for the skin under that fur

maybe you can show them a pic of TLC's dog ( if she doesn't mind ) and suggest that there's could look just as good with a little care and attention.

I can vouch for the time tlc puts into her dogs, for training, excersise and grooming needs, these dogs are not for the lazy, for want of a better word.

Dont wash them the matts will be a night mare, have a stern talk to SIL about the proper care needed for these dogs

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