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Grooming Question


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Hi all

I am minding two labradoodles for 5 days .... and before I get roused on, they are not mine, they're my brother's and his family.

Goodness knows why I volunteered, our 16 wko lab puppy is 1000 times more sensible than them but anyhow .....

They came to us very ungroomed. I am thinking that to make their stay more bearable for us, as a favour to my brother and SIL, and perhaps to give them an not-so-subtle hint, I might get a professional groomer (possibly mobile) to wash dry and groom them.

Any tips as to potential cost per dog for this ? They are standard poodle size (or thereabouts).

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The cost differences between suburbs and cites can be vast. And then mobiles are different again. Then it also depends what you want done and the condition of the dogs' coats. So very hard to give you a price.

In my area, a standard poodle sized dog for.... bath, dry, clip would be $80-$100 (for one dog)

....bath and dry, short coat, $50-$60

.....bath & dry, groom out long coat that is knotty(but not matted) $80 - $100

With grooming, the cheaper price usually reflects the job you will get. You need to make sure the dogs are 100% dry and 100% groomed through, or other problems may arise later. Like still being smelly and becoming very matted.

It will probably be an expensive exercise...so it depends what your budget is!

Also, if you only have them for 5 days, you may not even get an appointment...,most GOOD groomers are booked out at least 1-2wks in advance.

Edited by redarachnid
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I guess it would depend where you are in my town, say my oldest dog who is smaller than the regular labradoodle size but would have a similar coat would be around $60 for a full wash and groom (clip) but if thier coats are badly matted it will be more expensive unless you want them clipped back to nothing, which is sometimes what they do other wise they can spend hours combing out matts if they are really bad.

I have friends in the city who have similar sized oodles to my smaller ones and they pay up around $100 for a full grooming session.

Not quite sure why you think you would get roused on for looking after your brothers dogs?

Why are they not sensible are they pups or are they intrained? All the Lab poodle crosses I have seen and trained have been brilliant and very clever!!

Good luck I bet yoru pup will have fun playing with them.

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Roused on because I was under impression crossbreeds of this kind were somewhat frowned upon on DOL, not because I'm helping out bro.

But I see you have four gorgeous oodles tlc, so I must be mistaken !

Anyway they are not trained, and one is especially neurotic. Jump all over us, each other and generally chaotic. They are 1 and 2 so still very bouncy I guess, I should be a bit more patient with them !

They are sweet dogs though and yes Archie thinks all his xmases have come at once. Just need to limit his playtime a bit for his little bones and joints !

Thanks for the tips on grooming - we live in western Sydney, I'll check some options tomorrow.

Edited by mrs tornsocks
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Roused on because I was under impression crossbreeds of this kind were somewhat frowned upon on DOL, not because I'm helping out bro.

But I see you have four gorgeous oodles tlc, so I must be mistaken !


According to the rules, it is. But it often seems to slip thru.

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I dont think it is so much that cross breeds are frowned upon, more so the way they come about and how they are purposely bred etc etc. But lets not go down that road, you are doing your brother a favor and I think that is great considering the dogs ar eonly young with no training you sound like you will have a full on week. Having these type of dogs I do get annoyed at hearing of other owners that dont seem to understand what thier coats need in terms of grooming and what they as the cross that they are need in terms of training. usually they are high energy and need lots of daily excersise and stimulation to keep them occupied and out of mischief especailly at an early age!! Sorry I have gotten a bit off topic here, It will be interesting to find out how much a groomer will charge you for the grooming. will your brother be ok to find that you have gone ahead and had them groomed while he was gone, I guess you are doing him a favour but if I left mine with someone and came home to find them clipped Id be livid but then I guess I dont let mine get into a state with thier coats to begin with. Your brother is lucky to have you by the sounds of it!!

Edited by tlc
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Roused on because I was under impression crossbreeds of this kind were somewhat frowned upon on DOL, not because I'm helping out bro.

But I see you have four gorgeous oodles tlc, so I must be mistaken !


According to the rules, it is. But it often seems to slip thru.

Have you even read the rules?

This site has nothing against cross breeds (most of us have had one at some stage in our life), however we are against the promotion of them as being superior to the purebred dog and people cashing in on the 'designer dog' craze.

Mrs Tornsocks, are the dogs badly matted?

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:laugh: I have just gone back to read the rules and just for the record in no way am I trying to promote the oodle, just trying to help out a fellow doler.

No promotion of cross breeds / designer dogs

This site has nothing against cross breeds (most of us have had one at some stage in our life), however we are against the promotion of them as being superior to the purebred dog and people cashing in on the 'designer dog' craze.

We also ask that you refrain from unnecessary designer dog discussion. (ie discussion that has no real purpose other than to express dismay at the latest 'cross breed' you saw (or read about)). Sure, we all know they are out there, but we prefer to concentrate on discussing the pure bred dog.

The discussion at hand is about helping out a lovely lady who only wants to do the best for the dogs, which is very commendable!!

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Mrs Tornsocks, are the dogs badly matted?

One of them is a little matted around the back legs etc but not too bad. The other has a lovely coat overall, obviously needs washing though.

I know their coats must be really hard to keep in tip top shape all the time but to best honest I am a little cross with my brother (and SIL who was the one that wanted them in the first place the most) sending them to us un-groomed etc. But what can you do ? Family ??? ! :laugh:

These dogs are inside/outside dogs normally but ungroomed and a bit smelly I just don't want them running around inside, especially because our living area and hallway are not that big. I feel like if my brother & SIL expected them to be inside they could've at least prepared them for it. Anyway, vent over ....

In the end, I left them outside overnight last night (tried them in the laundry but one would not stop crying and outside we have massive kennel that our pup doesn't really use yet as he sleeps inside) ... still, the neurotic one barked quite alot of the night. :)

Anyway, since the weather here in Sydney is forecast for nice all week, I will investigate some local groomers today. There is one at our vets so that will be first port of call.

thanks everyone !

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I guess you are doing him a favour but if I left mine with someone and came home to find them clipped Id be livid but then I guess I dont let mine get into a state with thier coats to begin with. Your brother is lucky to have you by the sounds of it!!

I know what you mean being a bit mad if they came back clipped or different without the owner permission - I would be the same .... but if my bro/SIL really cared about their appearance that much, I'm sure they would've made the effort to bath/groom them before they went away.

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Mrs Tornsocks, are the dogs badly matted?

One of them is a little matted around the back legs etc but not too bad. The other has a lovely coat overall, obviously needs washing though.

I know their coats must be really hard to keep in tip top shape all the time but to best honest I am a little cross with my brother (and SIL who was the one that wanted them in the first place the most) sending them to us un-groomed etc. But what can you do ? Family ??? ! :laugh:

These dogs are inside/outside dogs normally but ungroomed and a bit smelly I just don't want them running around inside, especially because our living area and hallway are not that big. I feel like if my brother & SIL expected them to be inside they could've at least prepared them for it. Anyway, vent over ....

In the end, I left them outside overnight last night (tried them in the laundry but one would not stop crying and outside we have massive kennel that our pup doesn't really use yet as he sleeps inside) ... still, the neurotic one barked quite alot of the night. :)

Anyway, since the weather here in Sydney is forecast for nice all week, I will investigate some local groomers today. There is one at our vets so that will be first port of call.

thanks everyone !

I have 4 and dont find it hard at all!!

I guess you are doing him a favour but if I left mine with someone and came home to find them clipped Id be livid but then I guess I dont let mine get into a state with thier coats to begin with. Your brother is lucky to have you by the sounds of it!!

I know what you mean being a bit mad if they came back clipped or different without the owner permission - I would be the same .... but if my bro/SIL really cared about their appearance that much, I'm sure they would've made the effort to bath/groom them before they went away.

Yes you are so right, more than likely if they are not matted and just need a bath, they may not even notice, how long ago have they been clipped? Also as you said if they do notice it may incourage them to keep it up a little more at home. Do you have any pics of your pups playing with them? Id love to see some.

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Yes you are so right, more than likely if they are not matted and just need a bath, they may not even notice, how long ago have they been clipped? Also as you said if they do notice it may incourage them to keep it up a little more at home. Do you have any pics of your pups playing with them? Id love to see some.

I had a closer look at the older one, he is actually a bit more matted than I thought, the poor thing. They do love their dogs but then again you'd have to say there's a certain amount of neglect if a dog is matted.

I am trying to get some pics but they are all so excited, it's hard and we're trying to settle them in a bit. This involves separating the more neurotic one (the barker) inside with us for now for some attention, and leaving our pup and the younger one outside, they play quite well together. We then bring the pup back inside to his crate to ensure he doesn't over do it. Phew, what a palava.

I have no idea if this is the right thing to do but they seem to be alot calmer this way. I figure it's only for 4 days so we'll just do what works for us, and my primary concern is our own pup obviously.

Forgot to add, we have a dog-aggressive sharpei next door, this is not helping. This bitch next door is going spare through the fence with all this doggy activity. But that is another story !

I think the oodles will need baths to be 'worthy' of pics on DOL !! :laugh: Will post soon.

edited to add: the oodles didn't want brekky this morning, so OH put the bowl up on our outdoor setting out of Archie's reach. Guess who surprised us with his agility ... and is growing very quickly !!


Edited by mrs tornsocks
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It is only 5 days & a poor groomer can butcher the dogs coats.

I wouldnt be getting them groomed without your brother knowing & without input to how he wants them to look.

We groom many oodles & the owners are very specific in what they want .

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It is only 5 days & a poor groomer can butcher the dogs coats.

I wouldnt be getting them groomed without your brother knowing & without input to how he wants them to look.

We groom many oodles & the owners are very specific in what they want .

Fair enough - you make a good point on the fact it's only 5 days - I could not tell you when they were last clipped, I have zero experience with long coats and bro or SIL certainly never mentioned having them clipped recently.

To be honest, my theory was that if they were concerned re input on how they want them to look, they wouldn't look like this in the first place.

But I could be wrong. They will just have to spend more time outside than they are used to - because they are stinky ! and I would like to give them the opportunity to be pretty !! But they're not my dogs so I guess it's not a major concern for me.

Maybe we could just have them washed, although i assume a decent groomer would not want to do that to the one that's matted without sorting out that issue.

Edited by mrs tornsocks
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Yes you are so right, more than likely if they are not matted and just need a bath, they may not even notice, how long ago have they been clipped? Also as you said if they do notice it may incourage them to keep it up a little more at home. Do you have any pics of your pups playing with them? Id love to see some.

I had a closer look at the older one, he is actually a bit more matted than I thought, the poor thing. They do love their dogs but then again you'd have to say there's a certain amount of neglect if a dog is matted.

I am trying to get some pics but they are all so excited, it's hard and we're trying to settle them in a bit. This involves separating the more neurotic one (the barker) inside with us for now for some attention, and leaving our pup and the younger one outside, they play quite well together. We then bring the pup back inside to his crate to ensure he doesn't over do it. Phew, what a palava.

I have no idea if this is the right thing to do but they seem to be alot calmer this way. I figure it's only for 4 days so we'll just do what works for us, and my primary concern is our own pup obviously.

Forgot to add, we have a dog-aggressive sharpei next door, this is not helping. This bitch next door is going spare through the fence with all this doggy activity. But that is another story !

I think the oodles will need baths to be 'worthy' of pics on DOL !! :D Will post soon.

edited to add: the oodles didn't want brekky this morning, so OH put the bowl up on our outdoor setting out of Archie's reach. Guess who surprised us with his agility ... and is growing very quickly !!


droolll....over your beautiful labby!! :)

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It is only 5 days & a poor groomer can butcher the dogs coats.

I wouldnt be getting them groomed without your brother knowing & without input to how he wants them to look.

We groom many oodles & the owners are very specific in what they want .

mmm it might be a bit risky to groom unbeknownst but you know your brother best. I minded a cute maltese/shitzu once and she had long haired ears which I thought looked ridiculous (girl family) but mostly kept getting burrs etc stuck in them...so I cut them short....faces agasp upon return to pick her up...whoops!

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For a five day stay, I'd not be getting them groomed.

What I would be doing is commenting to your brother and SIL on the condition/smell of their coats and telling them that you won't be volunteering to petsit them again unless they are delivered freshly washed and groomed.

It's entirely possible they are unaware that their dogs need regular brushing and grooming. These crosses don't usually come with a detailed care guide. What appears to be neglect may be simple ignorance.

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